Lost in The Eyes of Poetry Episode #2:Out From the Hole & Into the Soul

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( NOTE: I'll be editing this series and adding new "episodes" in the near future. Hope you enjoy reading it! :) ) 

 ("Ahhhhhh!" The five of us scream out as we're being pirouetted around the inner event horizon of that book's lilliputian black hole. Speedily, we swirl and twirl our way to the singularity of that obsidian darkness: the point of no return. Faintly, we can just barely make out a slight spark, a ricocheting ray of hope at the tunnel's end; and we are nearing it with each accelerated spin. Closer, and closer, and closer until... We reach the singularity and become the light. A light so bright that it could illuminate night for millennia; a light more luminous than all of the heaven's stars. Our vision is white, and our lives are hanging by a thread of light. Our fates are uncertain, and our blueprints are obscure. Subsequently, all five of us crash into a solid surface and pass out upon impact. Yosoku is the first to wake 3 hours later... As he lies on the ground he slowly opens his eyes, and that's when he realizes.)

Yosoku Yamashita:The ground, the grass, the dirt... They're back! Yosoku thinks to himself.

(Yosoku jumps to his feet and looks all around him. And to his bafflement...)

Yosoku Yamashita:The school! It's back! I'm back! We're back! But wait... Did any of that really happen or did I just imagine it?! What am I thinking?! Of course it didn't really happen! I mean, come on! A magical book of poetry--that has blue eyes that bleed--formed a small black hole and sucked us into it. Yeah, that sounds perfectly logical! Yosoku thinks to himself, sarcastically.

(As Yosoku thinks back, he recollects everything that had happened, and that's when it hits him...)

Yosoku Yamashita:Not that I really believe any of that malarkey but... I remember, I was with my friends when it happened.

(Yosoku glances down at the ground, and that's when he sees them. All 4 of his friends lying on the ground.)

Yosoku Yamashita:Baka! Amaya! Totetsu! Sadisu! Yosoku calls out. Are they... Are they dead?! Yosoku contemplates, frantically.

(Fearing the worst, Yosoku checks on each one of his friends to make sure they're ok, and to his relief...)

Yosoku Yamashita:They have a pulse, and they're breathing! Thank goodness! I'm not even going to lie; I thought they had bit the dust for sure! On second thought though; what was I thinking? These guys are way too stubborn to be killed like that! Why those 4 are so hard-headed that they could free-fall from the top of Fuji-no-Yama--head first--and still not split their skulls. Ha, ha, ha!

Amaya:Hey! I heard that, Yosoku!

(Yosoku swiftly turns his head to Amaya, and he's shocked to find her awake.)

Yosoku Yamashita:Amaya... You're awake... He-he-he...

Amaya:Yeah, I'm awake... So, I'm hard headed, am I?

Yosoku Yamashita:Oh, you heard that, did you? No, no! You got it all wrong! I wasn't talking about you; I was talking about Baka, Totetsu, and Sadisu! Your head's not hard at all! In fact, it's soft! Very, very soft!

Amaya:Oh, so now my head's soft is it?!

Yosoku Yamashita:No, no! I didn't mean it like that!

Amaya:Then what did you mean?! Yosoku Yamashita?!

Yosoku Yamashita:Ugh... I meant that I'm a big stupid head so just hit me already...

Amaya:Hmmm... Well, since you admitted it; I'll let you go with a warning this time.

Yosoku Yamashita:Shew...

Amaya:But if I ever hear you talking about me again like that; I will unleash my wrath!

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