Two Phrases

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Two Phrases

~ Scene after their rooftop kiss ~

(Outside the building)
XM: I hope I'll never climb those stairs again. (Panting)
XY: (panting too) What are you complaining for? It's my sixth time already. You'd think I have enough.
XM: I know. And I hope those six trips you've made are all worth it. (Holds her hand and smiles at her)
XY: They're all worth it. (Smiles back at him)
XM: Well, climbing those stairs has made me hungry. Are you hungry too?
XY: Yes.
XM: Then let's eat.


(After they've eaten)
XY: Xi Men, why do you look so serious?
XM: Xiao You, I want to start a relationship with you with no regrets. Let me make it right with you.
XY: Huh? What do you mean?
XM: I've never apologized to you for my rude behavior back then. Will you forgive me?
XY: Oh. Of course, I forgive you. Xi Men, it's okay. I understand why you acted that way towards me.
XM: I feel so ashamed. I was so awful to you.
XY: Yes, you were. But only because you wanted to push me away. I was so self-centered also. I didn't want to give up on you in spite of how badly you treated me. I just really want to be with you.
XM: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I hurt you and made you cry. Xiao You, I promise I'll never treat you that way again.
XY: I know. Even though you said you're a good person but not a good man, I believe you're both. You're a good man deep inside.
XM: Thanks. It's just hard for me to accept the truth. I don't think I deserve either you or Xiao Geng.
XY: Just accept it. Why do you always have to be so hard on yourself? Or act tough in front of me?
XM: (laughs a little) When did you get so grown up?
XY: When I fell in love with you. You told me lack of confidence decreases one's charm. Since I like you - really like you - I want to be always confident.
XM: I'm glad to hear that. And Xiao You, I like you too. I like you a lot. I think since the first time I saw you. You're always so cute. Especially now.
XY: Really? Thank you.
XM: Come, I'll take you to work now.
XY: Oh, I took a day off today.
XM: A day off? Why?
XY: Well, you see, I didn't get some sleep last night. Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si accompanied me all night at the KTV.
XM: What did you say? Did I hear you right? Ah Si (emphasis, sounds shocked when he spoke his name), Shan Cai and you were at the KTV all night last night?
XY: Yes. Shan Cai thought it'd help cheer me up because I was so...
XM: So??? What?
XY: Okay, I'll be honest with you. When Senior Xiao Geng told me you two would go back to the rooftop I was so brokenhearted. I just couldn't stop my heart from aching last night. Actually, we just left the place when Senior Xiao Geng called me to come over to the rooftop.
XM: (hugs her tight) I'm sorry. (Kisses her forehead) I promise I won't have your heart broken again.
XY: I'm alright now. I feel so much better. (Looks at him) I'm glad Dao Ming Si convinced me to come or else I would be the one who'd miss out on our once in a lifetime.
XM: (pulls away from the hug) Ah Si?! He convinced you to come?
XY: (nods) He was actually better at consoling me than Shan Cai.
XM: That's quite unexpected. I guess I owe my friend this time.
XY: Yes, we owe him. He had to endure listening to me sing all night. (Smiles shyly)
XM: (laughs) And he managed to survive?
XY: Yes, though I bet he was sick of me singing the same song for over an hour.
XM: You just tortured my friend.
XY: Xi Men! (Punches him lightly on the chest) Don't make fun of me.
XM: I'm not. (Laughs) But you look so cute just now.
XY: (smiling happily)
(The two hold hands and started walking.)
XM: Just out of curiosity, what song were you singing all night?
XY: Waiting For Someone.
XM: (stops walking, glancing at XY) You were that brokenhearted?!
XY: Well, who wouldn't? I got rejected on my confession. (Ticking off her fingers) You gave me a shock treatment. Then I promised not to bother you anymore. I reunited you and your first love. Then Senior Xiao Geng said you two would work out on what you've missed.
XM: Okay, okay. Forgive me again for hurting you and breaking your heart. I know. You can give me a punishment.
XY: Really?
XM: Think of one now before I changed my mind.
XY: Um, let's go back to the KTV now.
XM: What?!
XY: You said I can punish you.
XM: Fine.
XY: I want to sing for joy this time and spend the day with you.
XM: Alright. Let's go to the KTV. (Puts his arm on her waist)
XY: Great! (Puts her arm on his waist too)
XM: So what would you sing this time?
XY: Qing Fei De Yi.
XM: (groans)
XY: (giggles)


© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: September 10 & 15, December 14, 2018

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