"oh no problem! You can go with me." Lisa said and smiled again, making Chaeng comfortable.

The two made their way to the cafeteria to meet Lisa's friend. Once they reached the table Lisa got shocked when a guy shouted and hugged her.

"Pokpak!" the guy yelled and looked at her after getting of the hug.

'Pokpak'? there's only one person who calls her that.

"Alex?!" Lisa asked in disbelief.

"You got it right! i missed you so much." The guy hugged her again.

"w-wow. how have you been? you look like a real person now." lisa said as she examined the boy from head to toe. He looks like an actor.

"you don't look bad yourself, Lis." the boy grinned.

The two was busy with their little reunion so Jennie faked a cough just to get their attention back.

"Oh yeah! I see that you met my bestfriends, Jennie and Jisoo. let me introduce you my new classmate, Park Chaeyoung." Lisa said happily and pulled Chaeyoung beside her. She wrapped her arm in the girls waist which didn't go unnoticed by a certain brunette.

The group started to eat and talked to the new transferees, asking them about their lives before they went to Korea. Jennie will always asked Alex but she did not ask Chaeyoung even a single question which Chaeyoung noticed.

Jennie doesn't know why does she act like that towards the girl when she looks harmless and a kind person. Maybe because of the fact that Lisa chose to sit beside the girl and not beside her.

Lisa doesn't have a choice tho, as much as she want to sit beside Jennie, Alex is already sitting there and he already started eating, it would be rude of her if she will ask him to move and go to other seat so she just sat beside Chaeng. 

Later that night, Jennie went to Lisa's house and decided to sleepover. Lisa was reading her book when Jennie started to ask questions.

"How did you know Alex?" Jennie asked.

"We used to be playmates and he used to live nearby." Lisa answered without glancing at Jennie.

"hmm.. I found out that he likes fashion and he was part of drama club in his school. Maybe I could ask him to go with me and Jisoo in drama club." Jennie said.

"oh.. that would be great! he looks like an actor now, I'm sure girls will go crazy when they see him perform." Lisa answered.

"I know right." Jennie said smiling like a fool which Lisa noticed. 

"wait.. are you having a crush now?" Lisa interrogated her.

"Well he's different, he's gentleman and he's.... handsome." Jennie answered.'

"what?? yah! you can't say that you have a crush on him when it's just the first time you saw him." Lisa yelled.

"why not? what if it's love at first sight? he already said that he likes me." Jennie said and blushed like a total schoolgirl.

Lisa? She just felt her heart broke after seeing her bestfriend like that. She did not see this coming? will she lose her this early? Lisa shake her thoughts and just thought that Jennie is just having a crush and that's normal.

"How about you? still in photography class?" Jennie asked that made Lisa wake up from her thoughts,

"I actually joined the dance crew." Lisa answered.

"WHAT?? ARE YOU INSANE??" Jennie yelled at her and Lisa was surprised to see her reaction.

"what? what's wrong with me joining the dance crew?" Lisa asked.

"In case you didn't know, that club has bunch of gay people! i don't want you hanging out with them." Jennie said in anger.

"What's wrong with gay people? they are still human Jennie." Lisa said.

"I just don't like them okay?" Jennie said frustratedly.

"and what if I'm gay? will you hate me too?" Lisa suddenly asked that surprised Jennie.

"YOU"RE GAY??" Jennie was shocked.

"What? No! I said 'what if'?" Lisa said and that made Jennie feel at ease.

"Yes. I will hate you too. i'll despise you." Jennie said and Lisa felt how heavy that words are. "So just back out with that stupid club. The last thing I want is you hanging out with them. i wouldn't even take it if they turned you to be like one." Jennie said and turned her back at Lisa.

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