Chapter one

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I blinked down at the vial in my hand, confused on what it was and who had sent it. There's no hint on who it was from, and for once, I'm glad for the lack of attention Hermione and Ron give me now. The three of us aren't friends, haven't been since the previous year, when I overheard them complaining about how little money they get from Dumbledore for being my friends and spying on me.

I turned the vial, the single flower inside not changing regardless of the angle I peer at it from. There was a book I read in third year that described the plant, but I thought such a thing no longer existed. A Fernotis of all things. I startled at a sudden hushed whisper that brushed against my ear.

~I see it has arrived finally. We should get ready to leave before the final petal falls.~

I frown at the words, glancing at the safely hidden Emerald Tree Boa wrapped around my shoulders. The book had said this flower is capable of taking the user where they are meant to be once it completely withers away. As of right now, three of the petals have fallen and the fourth is about to join the pile.

~Is that where you went off to this morning, Zuna? I had been worried, you know.~

~Yes, I needed to make sure it would get here on time. It wasn't easy, you know. Now hurry and finish eating so we can return to the Tower.~

I sighed at her, quickly shoveling the rest of my eggs into my mouth before standing. I didn't bother to say anything to anyone, knowing they won't care either way. I walk swiftly to the Gryffindor Tower, glad to not run into any of the Professors who hadn't been at breakfast.

By the time I make it to my dorm room and have my things gathered, the flower has pretty much finished wilting - likely speeding up after sensing it had reached the person it was meant for. I had only one more second before Zuna tightened her grip on my shoulders and a bright pink light enveloped us.

Disorientation is the main thing I become aware of first, quickly followed by the sunlight on my face, then the insistent poking to my side. Thinking it's Zuna I groan and turn away, the wet grass coming into contact with my cheek. The sensation wakes me up the rest of the way and I swiftly move to stand, only to ram into something and fall back to the ground, head throbbing.

~What the hell happened?~

Zuna simply sighs before replying.

~Pay more attention to your surroundings! It was not me trying to poke you awake, it was the boy you just knocked out with that head of yours. Be careful when you speak in Parseltongue unless you want people to know about your ability and jump to the assumption that you're evil, like last time. Keep it a secret.~

~Fine.~ I reply, knowing she has a point.

I released my head, opting to do as she suggested, and looked around. I had somehow ended up by the Black Lake, instead of inside my room, by my bed. This must be where the flower decided I was supposed to be - but why here? I'm technically still at Hogwarts, so it's not like it sent me very far. I'm distracted by a soft groan to my right, reminding me there's someone else here with us. Looking at the person, the boy, it's relatively easy to guess he's right around my own age and likely a sixth year. His dark brown hair reaches a little past his ears and he has smooth sun tanned skin. However, I could sense there were multiple strong concealing charms placed on him. For what reason, I'm not sure. I leaned over to where he was, placing two fingers at his forehead, relieving any pain he might be in, and healing any possible concussions. I know how hard my head can be, especially hit like that, while in close proximity. After being sure he was completely healed, I cast an Enervate.

"Hey, wake up," I tapped his forehead with my finger a few times, until his eyes fluttered open. But when I see his golden eyes, I freeze.

"Remus," I breathed out. That's not possible though, this guy is too young to be him. Unless Remus was suddenly sent to the future, or he took a de-aging potion.

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