Chapter Eleven: Relaxing in Paris

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He hadn't handled being alone very well and he was just going to have to deal with it; once Valeria was better that she would be returning to work. 

Valeria was important to him and the last three years together had meant so much for him; he was a fool and had nearly screwed up what he had with her for a distraction. 

"I've missed you," Neymar mumbled hating that they were so far apart, he knew her job was important and he wished that he had some way of spending more time with her; he had been counting down the days until she came to visit. 

He'd had so much planned for when she came for the half-term and Neymar was sure that they could use those plans while she was here even if she was resting most of the time. 

Ana had encouraged Valeria to enjoy herself while she was here with Neymar, she had insisted her friend make the most of her break especially giving how stressed she had been at work. 

"I've missed you too," Valeria replied resting her head on Neymar's shoulder, she closed her eyes and prayed that things were going to be okay. 

They had come so far and Valeria knew that they could fix things while they had the chance; she was here until they knew what her results said and she had to go back to see her doctor. 

The two sat in silence for a moment while they tried to work out what they were going to do; they both knew that they couldn't go back to how they had been and they had to work out a better balance for the both of them. 

"I've been considering moving to part-time teaching," Valeria admitted, it would be a nice change and with everything going on she was sure that a change was what she needed. 

The school that she taught at had been so generous and had allowed her to take time off on such short noticed because of what was going on. 

The pain that she had felt meant that she was unable to help the children that she was teaching and they didn't want her to do anything that might put herself or one of the children in danger. 

Neymar looked at Valeria surprised, he hadn't thought that she would be willing to change things especially since she loved her job so much and enjoyed her work; he opened his mouth to say something but she interrupted him before he could. 

"It would give me better control of my hours and I would get to spend more time with you," Valeria said smiling, she was sure that this was the answer to their problems and it would be a lot better than going weeks on end without seeing one another. 

She could work two or three days a week in Barcelona, then spend the rest of the week here in Paris with him rather than barely seeing her boyfriend at all. 

"You don't have to," Neymar murmured wanting her to be happy, they could find other ways to make it work and they had time now especially with Valeria being off; he was sure they would somehow manage to deal with this.

It wasn't going to be easy and Neymar doubted that they would get it right all the time but they were both committed to making their relationship work; that was what mattered most right now to him. 

They were both willing to fight for what they wanted, he knew that her support system in Barcelona wasn't a strong one and her parents likely wouldn't help the situation but as long as they had each other's backs then who cared. 

"We've tried it with me back in Barcelona full time and it doesn't work... it's not fair to either of us," Valeria told him with a shake of her head, they would make this work and she was certain that she would be okay with just working part-time rather than completely giving up her job. 

The fact was that Neymar was going to be staying in Paris for the foreseeable future and he knew that; there was no getting around that or finding a way to bring him to Barcelona. 

Neymar nodded his head, it really hadn't worked and he wasn't sure what else would; he hated that she had to sacrifice things for him, he had never thought that his move to Paris would make such a mess of things. 

A part of him wished that he hadn't allowed his father to get into his head about how all the attention at Barcelona was on Messi, he could have continued to be happy there. 

"I don't want you to sacrifice anything for me... you shouldn't have to," Neymar said, he knew that was stupid especially since he had hoped that she would make the move to Paris with him. 

However, Valeria didn't speak a word of french so she couldn't just pick up here to start teaching; he wasn't sure how she would have settled into life here like he had planned. 

There was a small chance that she could teach Spanish down the line, it was something they had talked about awhile back but the talks had stalled when she had returned to Barcelona. 

"It's okay... I'd rather be with you," Valeria told him with a smile, she squeezed his hand and hoped that she would be able to handle things. 

It wasn't going to be easy but with everything going on, she was glad that he was here for her; she didn't know what she would have done stuck in that house by herself with the dogs. 

The sooner those test results came back in, the better and Valeria prayed that she would have answers soon enough.

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