Chapter 16

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It was a long agonising few minutes before Harry gave me back my phone. He gave it back with a serious look and then burst out into laughter when I snatched it from him and scanned my twitter.

" What did you do?" I asked.

" Nothing." He sniggered.

I checked my profile and then my messages leaving my notifications closed. Harry started to laugh again and I raised an eyebrow. What was so funny? I then realised that he probably logged into his account.

" Did you go on your twitter?" I asked holding my phone aloft. He nodded.

I went onto his profile and looked at his tweets and leant back with a smile.

Harry_Styles: I'm in love with you @MoonMoonStyles and all your little things. X

Harry_Styles: There is no person I'd rather be with than with @MoonMoonStyles.

Harry_Styles: Coliflowers fluffy and cabbages green...

Harry_Styles: I'm in love. Let's be happy.

Harry_Styles: Be nice to everyone.

Harry_Styles: Pumped for a week with my girl.

Harry_Styles: If you don't like my choices, I don't care.

Harry_Styles: @NiallOfficial You are a shamrock. I am The Lord of the Dance.

Okay, some of those were a little odd but that's Harry. I loved how he mentioned me in his tweets it shows he's not afraid to introduce me to his fans. I looked up from my phone at Harry and leant over and gave him a seatbelt restricted hug and kiss but we managed it...just.

For the rest of the car journey all four of us in the car were having a laugh, sharing jokes, experiences and all round banter. It was the funniest hour and a half of my life.

When we arrived at the studio we all got out of the car (minus the driver) and reunited with the others.

" I wonder what went down in your car." Gemma said.

" Keep it clean." Lou said with a smile, which people laughed at.

Harry hip thrusted and I pushed him away from me but he bounced back and held my hand, everyone just laughed.

" So what's the plan?" Lou said grabbing Lux's hand.

" We'll all get set up and the others will meet us in there." Mark said walking towards the studio.

We all followed Mark into the building and ended up in the hair and makeup room. Lou got to work instantly, placing Harry in the chair. Lux handed me her Teddy which was actually a lion and skipped over to Lou and sat at Harry's feet. The lion teddy was soft and I didn't know what to do with it so I placed it on the side of the table and sat on the edge. My phone vibrated and I glanced at the lock screen and placed it back in my pocket when all it was were texts from my friends asking about Harry. After Harry had his hair and manly makeup done Louis walked in with Eleanor. Louis walked immediately over to me. I repeat Louis Tomlinson walked over to me first. I somehow kept my cool.

" Hello." He said and gave me a hug.

" Hey, how are you?" I asked trying to stand still.

" Great thanks and you?" He said with a smile.

" Managing." I said looking over at Harry.

" I'm sure El was the same when we started to go out. She's a absolute wonder. I'm a lucky person, so is Harry. Go and have a chat with her, she was looking forward to meeting you." He said giving me a pat on the back before making his way over to the others. Louis was just as nice as I thought he was, in fact, even nicer.

This was it. I finally got to meet Eleanor face to face. She looked so pretty just talking to Gemma. To think she wanted to meet me! I made my way over to her ridiculously slowly for some reason. I moved closer to her and finally spoke.

" Hello. I'm Annabel but I prefer Anna." This was the most decent introduction I had given in the last 10 days to someone I've met due to Harry.

" Hiya, I'm Eleanor but I prefer El. Your Harry's girlfriend right? He told me you were pretty and you are beautiful! I love your hair, very silky." El said shaking my hand then securing a stray section of my hair behind my ear.

" Your very beautiful too! I was dying to meet you because I think your amazing." I said. Speaking my mind- no trouble to get into thankfully.

" That's very sweet of you. Gemma try and match that." She said making both me and Gemma laugh.

" So how long have you and Harry been together?" El asked moving her bag further onto her shoulder.

" About 10 days." I replied.

" Wow! That's not very long." She said. Tell me about it, everyone thinks it's to quick I just know it.

" So what brings you to a One Direction interview then?" She asked me.

" Harry," I replied. "What about you?"

" Louis." She said, looking over to him. " I don't often come to their interviews, I'm either busy, too far away or not interested. I heard you were coming so Louis and I were eager to meet you." She said.

We both said goodbye to each other and she went and talked to the others, me and Gemma went outside the Makeup studio and onto the interview set.

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