Chapter Ten

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As Henry walked me through the elves goods, I noticed they regarded me with mixed feelings and visibly sneered at him.

“Why are they looking at us like that?” I asked quietly.

“The elves don't trust vampires, their blood calls out to them. Because of your mixed blood, they think you're one. They can sense them. For me, I am just something of disgust. I tried to warn you about their snobbery. I mean, they'll sell you their goods, but don't try holding a conversation with them.” Henry told me.

“That is just stupid.” My annoyance jumped and I could feel the magick come to life inside me.

“I wouldn't do that, Kat.” Henry warned.

I ignored him, just like a Mistress vampire would do to her underlings. The air was charged around me as I walked through the elf area. Vampires were many things, but I had yet to come into contact with one that could control magick. I could see the confusion in their eyes. There was a seer's orb on one of the tables, I had to get it. It was beautiful.

“Henry, how does one buy things from these guys?” I said to him.

“Oh, easy. I have to do it for you.” He smiled.

“I want the orb.” My eyes never left the small sea green ball.

“Hmm, they usually don't sell magick items to vamps. I'll see what I can do.” He approached the gorgeous flaming red head behind the table.

She shook her head.

“She won't sell it to you.” He told me.

“What? Why?” I snorted.

“Because a vampire has no use for such items.” He shrugged.

“But I am not a damn vampire.” I gritted my teeth.

“To them, you are. And you need to remember that that you are in the Depot. It's what keeps you safe. People do not fuck with vampires. They do with hybrids and witches.” His words were true.

“But... I want it.” I looked longingly at the crystal ball.

“I will have uncle Maddock get it for you. They'll do business with him.”

“Okay, but I think this is stupid.” I walked away from the woman elf and tried to keep my magick in check.

A beautiful cloak was displayed. It was the color of the night sky on a moonless night. There was something to the material that made it shimmer like the stars.

Dude, that would be perfect for night rides. I decided right then and there that if I had to steal the damn thing, I was getting that cloak.

“Do they have a thing against selling cloaks to vamps?” I hissed.

“Not that I'm aware of.” He chuckled.

“I want it.” I pointed to the beautiful cloak that was calling my name.

“Let me approach the seller.” Henry said.

“Why can't I?” I was already tired of playing the vampire, and I thought there was some sort of retarded logic behind all of the servant talking to the master nonsense.

“Go ahead, Kat.” He stepped aside.

“Greetings.” I said to the fair blonde behind the table.

“Vampiress.” She said, her voice made me think of chimes blowing in the wind.

“The night sky cloak, I would like it.” I had no clue what I was doing and so didn't want to mess up the sell.

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