Chapter Nine

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“Henry?” I called out as I approached the tech area.

“Yes, Agent Purrowells.” His dreadlocked head popped out of their set up.

“Let's go for a ride.” I called Gus on his phone.

“Where are we going?” He asked as he gathered up his things.

“To a place I'm sure you know of.” I smiled, Gus said he'd have the car ready in ten.

“Okay.” His blue eyes tried to figure out just what I was talking about.

Gus was waiting for us as we approached the limo. Sophie wasn't with him.

“Where's Soph?” I asked.

“She's staying to keep helping. I think she enjoys doing something other than daily chores for Master Andrew.” Gus shrugged.

“Alright.” I laughed.

Henry and I climbed into the back. It was strange to be so far from Gus. I rolled down the center divide. He wasn't my man servant.

“How long til we get there?” I leaned on the divider.

“Thirty to forty minutes. I'd tell you to buckle up, but knowing you, Kat, you 'd tell me to piss off or something.” He laughed.

“Probably. Henry, you buckle up. I don't think you're immortal.” I turned and looked at my intern.

“You are immortal, Agent Purrowells?” His eyes got all big like I was Superman.

“They say I'm as close as you get without being it.” I winked at him.

“How'd that happen?”

“I've some seriously screwy genes.” I rubbed my neck.

“Ah, it's a subject you don't wanna talk about. That's fine. I have those too.” He smiled, his canines just a little longer than what they should be.

“Nah, it's something I don't really know about, yet. Keyword, yet.” I smiled.

The ride was nice considering we had to get on the 405. Could that freeway suck anymore? No, I don't think so. Not even if they closed it down to one lane and only let horse pulled wagons on it. Okay, maybe that would suck more, and it would smell really bad in the summer.

We pulled up outside the Depot.

“Kat, I'm going to let the kiddo take you around. There are a few things I want to check into.” Gus said cryptically.

“Alright. Come on, Kiddo.” I tugged on his sleeve as I headed out the limo door.

“The Depot?” He looked worried.

“Hey, I work for P.N.I., but I am not their representative. They don't know about this place. Or they don't know about it from me.” I cocked a brow.

“Not from me either.” He was quick to throw out there.

“Excellent. Now you get to be my chaperon. Apparently, I need one in here.”

“Because you've not been exposed to the fae magick and they might draw you into a dancing ring and kill you?” He asked in all honesty.

“Well, shit, I didn't even know about that...” My mouth dropped open.

“Oh... nevermind then. How about we start by talking to my uncle?” He suggested.

“Ohhh, you have an uncle that works here?” I started to wander what kind of stuff he sold.

“Yeah. But he's nothing fancy, just an alchemist.” Henry shrugged it off.

“Alchemist? Dude, that is awesome. I don't know much about it, but it's still awesome.” I elbowed him.

“Fine.” It felt like I was dealing with a teen.

“Offer me your arm, Henry. You've got to play the part... just like I do.” I smiled at him.

“Yes, Mistress Kat.” He held out his arm to me.

“Very good, you know the lingo.” I hated being called Mistress Kat, but I didn't feel the need to share that tidbit.

“I was raised in this stuff, Kat.” He said, completely forgetting all titles.

“Yeah, you were lucky... even if you don't realize it. Please escort me to your uncle.” I was eager to get inside.

“As it pleases my Mistress.” He bowed slightly.

I rolled my eyes.

Inside the Depot was just as I had remembered it- amazing. It air smelled of happiness and sunshine, if that is even possible, and it hummed with magick. Every where I looked there was something new and amazing I wanted to go see. Henry played his role perfectly, leading me directly to his uncle.

“Mistress Kat, may I introduce you to my uncle Maddock.” Henry said as I was staring at some very sparkly jewelry.

“Huh? Oh, right.” I turned and looked straight into a very well-defined chest wrapped in a tight leather vest. I looked up.

There are some men that are just damn sexy no matter what they are, Maddock was one of them.

“Oh, wow.” I managed.

“Hello, Mistress. Is there something I can help you with? Greetings, young nephew.” Maddock said without a trace of troll.

“Oh, yeah, excuse me. I'm Kat.” I smiled and held out my hand.

“May the sun kiss your cheeks, Mistress Kat.” He kissed my hand.

“I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or a death wish, Maddock.” I laughed.

“The Mistress is not a vampire, so I hopes she takes it as a compliment.” He leaned in and whispered.

“Hmm. Interesting. Maddock, I was wondering if you know Hotchkins?” I stared into his amber orange eyes.

“Everyone knows of the Knower. Why do you ask, Mistress?” He pulled his purple dreadlocks back into a tail.

“Do you have some time later to talk about it?” I felt like I was trying to pick him up... which wouldn't have been a bad thing.

“Henry, bring Mistress Kat, back to me in two hours. I will take a break then.” Maddock told Henry.

“As you wish, Uncle.” Henry replied.

“Is that acceptable for the Mistress?” Maddock asked me.

“Yeah, sure. Why don't you talk like a troll?” It was bugging me.

“Some of us have lived too long away from our brethren below and no longer hold their accent, as it were.” He cooed at me.

“Interesting.” I smiled at him, there was something very alluring about this troll.

“Mistress Kat, let me show you around the elves wears, or perhaps the orcs?” Henry said to me.

“Elves and orcs? No way.” I was stopped dead in my tracks, there was no way that more supernatural communities existed that I did not know about.

“Yes. They only come to the Depot every few months. It takes quite a lot of work to create the portals they use.” He told me.

“Like the goblins?” I felt like a little kid being schooled.

“Similar, but different and it goes across way more space. Would you like to see their things? The elves are the snobs of the supe community, where as the orcs are... well, orcs. They can be a bit brutish.” Henry grimaced.

“Then let's go see their things. I'm sure it will kill some time.” I looked back at Maddock, I wanted to be near this troll, very near him.

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