The Hospital

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While Eyeless was treating Toby, Slender was in the living room to get some help.

"BEN, I know you need your rest but I need you to help with something important." He said looking at the television.

A few moments later a rather groggy BEN Drowned emerged from the static.

"Ugh, this better be important Slender. I really need to recharge." He said with a yawn.

"Toby was bitten by a snake and we don't know what type it is. I need you to come with me to the nearby hospital and identify what type of snake it is so we can get the correct anti-venom. I will make it clear now that I am not loosing my last remaining Proxy." Slender explained showing BEN the snake.

BEN nodded stretching his arms.

"Ok but we need to be quick."

Slender nodded and teleported away with BEN quickly arriving at a large hospital.

"Kill the cameras."

BEN nodded quickly frying the circuits of the CCTV though was able to absorb some of the power for himself.

From inside the hospital there was obvious confusion from the guards as all the cameras went down simultaneously.

They had little time to react before their necks were snapped by Slenderman.

He nodded to himself before spotting a stray Doctor wandering nearby.

The poor person barley had any time to react before before being pinned to the wall.

"Listen to me carefully and I might just let you live. You are going to identify this snake and deliver the correct anti-venom unless you want to die." He hissed showing the doctor the snake.

The doctor only nodded, he'd heard the stories of Slenderman and his Proxies and knew he was not to be messed with.

After a few minutes the doctor hurried back and handed Slender a file.

"Anti-venom for a Timber Rattlesnake."

Slender nodded and proceeded to kill the doctor anyway.

"No witnesses, no survivors."


Back at the mansion Toby had drifted into a troubled sleep.

He was tossing and turning and had started to sweat profusely again.

Clockwork and Eyeless Jack could only watch concerned.

"Slender had better turn up soon. I don't think he's going to last much longer." Eyeless said with deep concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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