28. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of competition

Começar do início

Paralyzed. Insecure. Scratch up. Woozy.

Shocked. Agitated. Shy. Evasively.

Somewhere in the middle they crossed each other. Right into the heart, when Domen turned away and left Daniel behind with the certainty that he hadn't dreamed. Then he had to fight the urge to grab Domen. To confront him. To keep going on where they left off. Everything passed him by. Like a movie. He couldn't just leave it that way. He didn't want it. The right time. He was waiting for the right time.

"Infected with madness?" Daniel suggested, shouldering his skis. He didn't want to spend the rest of the trial passage in the jumpers area. There had already been countless interruptions during the trial round. The gusts of wind did with them, what they wanted. He should focus on himself, not on the other jumpers. Alex had told him that. Don't think. As if he didn't know that himself. He knew what would happen if he would start to think. What happened if? What if Domen-? No. He forbade himself to think ahead.

Together they went back. "Should be a widespread phenomenon," muttered Anders next to him, as they saw Silje from afar, who was just engrossed in a conversation with Andreas.

"Oh, come on. It won't become that catastrophic, " Sighed Daniel, as his gaze rest on a neon-green jacket right in front of him. Domen strode with a ball in his hand into one of the many secluded corners.

"Yes, because it gets a lot worse. Honestly, that's a really stupid idea. The stupidest there has ever been and will ever be, "Anders said gruffly, too busy with his own misfortune that he didn't notice that Daniel attention already was somewhere else.

"We talked that out," The blond Norwegian remarked distractedly. Ventured a look into the small alley. Domen played football. Alone. Against a wall. With his hands buried deep in the pockets of his jacket. He had heard Goran speak to this Thiessen. Domen had never jumped as aggressively as in the trial round. Goran Janus would have liked to hold his hand in front of his eyes during his jump.

"You talked that out," Anders muffled beside him. "Anyways what does Silje expect? Unfortunately, my garden pavilion, surrounded by roses and ivy, isn't available at the moment, " Added the older Norwegian snappily.

"Sounds great" -

"What? Didn't you just listen to me? "-

"Of course. Garden pavilion. A lot of flowers. I don't know if Silje will wait until spring, but that's a great approach, "Daniel patted his friend on the shoulder. "Hey, um. I have to do something ... uh ... " Before he thought it over. Or Domen noticed him. He just had to know. He had to hear it. By him. "Can you take my skis? Oh-and that reminds me on something: maybe not too many flowers. Silje thinks badly of cut flowers. She call them transience in vases or was it death in vases? Anyway, she doesn't like cut flowers, "he said leaving his friend with his skis alone.

Nervously Daniel looked around, before slipping into the small alley he saw Domen disappear few seconds ago. His heart and the ball Domen were playing with hit the wall in unison. Domen hadn't noticed him yet, the loud roar from the stadium was carried up to them by the wind. Drowned the crunching sound under Daniel's feet, which could have warned Domen. "Why did you do that?"

Startled, Domen spun around. The ball, which had just hit the wall, rolled unnoticed past Daniel.

"I-er ... Chrm. I'm not like that. "Domen stared defiantly at Daniel. Crossed his arms like a child. Or was he holding on to himself?

"What arn't you?", The blond stares motionless at the younger. Shivering in the wind.

"Homophobic or in love with Silje," Domen blurted out, catching Daniel's gaze. Challenged him to contradict him.

Hello Hurricane {English Translation}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora