the visitor

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Tim watched wide eyed as Dick walked into the house. "Your suppose to be dead,"  Tim yelled. Dick looked at him with cold blue eyes, "Happy to see you to,"  Dick said sarcastically.  Dick knew  why he was here and he wasn't about to be side tracked by Tim, he needed Bruce no he needed Batman. "Where's Bruce," He demanded. Tim shook his head, "At the graveyard with Roy and Wally, you do know what day it is don't you," Tim asked. Dick looked at him confused than he realized that it was March 21st his birthday. "Yeah i know my birthday. i thought you guys moved on, I mean with Jason's death and everything," Dick said. Tim laughed, "Robin's dead, Jason Grayson is alive with a bullet wound, he never is going to be Robin again, when he flat lined we brought him back, He is in  critical condition, but he is alive and breathing," Tim said. Dick looked at him relief filled his face but who every shot Robin was going to pay. " Thanks Tim it's been nice seeing you," Dick said walking out of the house towards his grave. It wasn't until he saw Bruce that he realized the  pain he caused them. He slowly walked up to Bruce and placed a hand on his shoulder. Bruce turned around thinking it was Roy, or Wally but he was in for the shock of his life. "Dick," Bruce stuttered. Dick smiled his crocked smile and hugged Bruce, "Alive an breathing," Dick laughed. Bruce looked at him. "How I saw you die i lifted your dead body and buried you," Bruce said confused. Dick shock his head, "Bruce you buried a dummy, Lex brought me back and I turned into an  Agent, Agent 37 in fact," Dick said calmly. Bruce slapped Dick across the face. " Never scare me like that again," Bruce yelled.  Wally and Roy come to see what's going on. Roy looked at his younger brother and stepped away. " I think I drank to much,"  He whispered. Dick laughed, "No,  I'm really here and i need all your help, who shot Robin," Dick asked. Wally turned away, "Owlman, Owlman shot Jason," Wally whispered. Dick looked shocked Owlman the same man the invited him to the court of owls, the same man he played a part in his death shot his son, now he needed to kill him. " I can't believe you let him live," Dick yelled angrily. Bruce looke at him, "I would have when after I killed Alex, but he got away, Dick I failed you again, I'm sorry," Bruce said. Dick looked at him "come on we are going to kill Owlman," Dick said pulling out his gun and walking towords the Batcave.

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