the incident

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 "Mom I'm 12 can I please please, please follow in dad's footsteps and be Robin, I'll do all my chose without argument, please," Jason begged Zee. "No I told you it's to risky, wait until your grandfather and the league reopen the team than you can be Robin," Zee replayed. And at that moment the phone rang. "I'll get it," Richard yelled running towards the  phone. "Mom it's aunty  Artemis she says she has good news," Richard said happily. "Hello Artemis how is CJ and the twins?" Zee asked."Wow that's great I was just having that conversation with Jay he would really like it,thanks Art goodnight," Zee said hanging up. "Jason suit up they team is meeting up", Zee yelled. It has been a month since the team reopened after Nightwing's death and Jason has taken up the mantel of Robin. Just like his father and Uncles he was a prodigy. Jason took care of the twins every since his father passed. He always tells the twins stories of the hero prince that watched and ruled over the city. The twins though never meeting there father loved him just from the stories. One day though that loved turned to hate and angry. It was the 11 year anniversary of the Richard death and the twins yelled at Jason. "It's not fair why did you meet father and we didn't," those were one of the many things they said that day. At school nothing was better they got made fun of constantly. The boys in the class would call the Grayson kids fatherless brats. They would tell them that there father never loved them. Jason tried arguing saying that his father always used to hug him and kiss him. But what good would that do he was 2 when his father died. What the boys said soon became the truth to the Grayson boys no matter how many times there mother tells them other whys. The twins started to blame Jason and their father's death. But Zee had the harder end of all of it. On many days Tim would tell her to do what's better for the boys and remarry. She had many arguments with Bruce about that topic everyone argued that she should remarry. Jason noticed his mothers sadness he was afraid that it was his felt and that she would leave  them like their father.  But he knew his mother loved them. One day Jason walked up to his mother and asked,"is it my fault did he not love me?" Zee looked at her son confused till she understood who he was talking about. "Sweetie your father loves you more than he loved the world, but he had a job that he had to do sadly he died doing so, don't let what others tell you affect you, you trust me right?," Zee asked. "Yes mother I believe you," Jason hugged his mother and left the room. Zee looked at the ported of The family when Jason was still a baby and said ,"Richard I knew you never meant to hurt us but 11 years passed and the wound reopened your son's as couris as you, he wants to know everything about you about your past, Dick why did you have to leave us," tries slowly filled Zee's eyes. She stood up to cover up the portrait and walked away.  "Jason please live Jay Robin," Kid flash yelled.  "Dad Robin's hurt" the flash ran towards his son and looked at Jason.  "I'll take him to the hospital you tell his mother to meet me there." CJ ran towards his aunt's house as his father ran towards the hospital. "No please Zee doesn't deserve to lose her son oh god please let him live. " Wally thought in the back of his mind. He remembered  Nightwing's body attached to the Murder Machine Lex clasping his hand over Nightwing's mouth and nose causing him to die. All he could see in Jason at these moment was Nightwing was his best friend. "Aunty Zee um Jays hurt bad dad said you need to be there at the hospital because Jay can't die alone you have to hurry." CJ said nervously. "I'll be right over" Zee said. When she entered her sons room she saw Bruce sited next to him. " you know I see my son in him I remember the many times he was here, when he was on these earth." Bruce said sadly. "He's going to be fine a blood transfuse the size of an elephant but he'll be fine, Zee he lucked out the bullet missed his main organs by an inch," Wally said.  Zee looked at the speedster, "Wally I understand that!!!," She yelled at him annoyed and angry. Her eyes showed mixed emotions. Wally looked at her shocked. Zee was always calm and collected but he understood she lost her husband in the hero game it was a hard enough choice to let him be Robin and these is what she gets. Wally looked at the boy and turned away soon Tim and Roy would be over to blame themselves but Wally knew it was his fault no matter who many people told him other whys.  Tim stood outside the room looking in through the glass. "Who's the monster that caused these, he's going to pay with his life," Roy yelled next to Tim. Wandor women walked in to the hospital and she over heard Roy. "No Roy I'm going to take care of who ever did these, i couldn't avange his father but i'll avange him," she said eyeing him. Roy looked at her wanting to say something but than shut his mouth.  Than they heard Jason  flat line. They all looked at the life less body shocked waiting to wake up from these nightmare.


an unexpected visitOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora