Date Plans

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          Matthew waves goodbye to his friends as he and Eric leave Cam's apartment, heading home for the night. Eric walks next to him, though having to step faster due to the tiny height difference, ranting about something to do with Mason getting on his nerves. Matt inconspicuously stops listening and starts to zone out, gazing quietly at this small angry man he adores so much.

"Are you even fuckin' listening to me?" Swagger asks, slightly irritated and flustered, attempting to jab at his boyfriend with his elbow. Matt just barely avoids the attack on his side, letting out an amused chuckle. The taller of the two wraps his arm around Eric's shoulders, gently pulling him closer.

Matt smiles, feeling the small wrathful American relax in his hold. "Not really," He pauses for a second, "I hear enough complaining from you when we're recording, I'm just trying to enjoy this." Matt hesitantly breaks his gaze away from Eric's face, his eyes settling on their shoes as they walk almost in time, a few steps falling just a bit short.

Swagger goes silent, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Enjoying what?" His eyes narrow at the man in question, expecting a dumb joke. Swagger lightly smacks Matt's chest as he starts laughing,  just confusing Swags even more.

Matthew sighs deeply and begins to walk a bit slower, Eric slowing with him. Matt lets his arm drop from Eric's shoulders, instead taking his hand and lacing their fingers together.

"Just, being with you, alone." Matt runs his thumb over Swagger's hand, "With the exception of a few cars, but pretty much alone."

Swagger opens his mouth so say something, but promptly stops, instead he squeezes Matt's hand and looks away with red cheeks. "That's," He pauses, "That's gay." Eric stares at the pavement under their feet, his face flushed and hot. Matt chuckles at the man's reaction, lifting their hands and pressing a soft kiss to Eric's knuckles, and giving him a gentle smile.

"We never get to just hang out together anymore, we're always recording or editing, or just too tired. I wanna make more time for just us, y'know? I miss you." Matt explains, a small frown starting to form on his face, but he quickly turns it into a cheeky grin. "Wanna go on a date?" He asks Eric, winking.

Swagger laughs, throwing his head back with a smile, swinging their interlocked hands back and forth. "Are you serious? You're asking me on a date?" He asks, very entertained with Matt's question. Eric's smile grows wider as Matt nods his head with flushed cheeks.

Matt chuckles as Swagger continues to swing their hands, finding it adorable. After a while Swags speaks back up, "So it's a plan, what time are you thinkin'?" He questions, while his feet are occupied with avoiding the cracks on the sidewalk as they saunter along, amusing Matt.

"I was thinking a lunch date at noon? Tomorrow?" Matt replies, more of a statement than a question but still waiting for confirmation. As the street light above them flickers faintly, Eric nods his head in agreement, giving Matt a kind smile. Both the boys giggle softly, totally smitten for each other, with their stomachs full of butterflies as they continue their walk home.

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