Chapter One

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Adelaide's POV

It was a shit storm, if I was being honest. Though in truth, it was an accident and Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch hadn't meant to accidentally blow up a building in Lagos. She was in the process of trying to stop Crossbones aka Brock Rumlow from killing Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. But although she had a reason, her heroic actions had caused the building to blow and lives were lost. Upon returning to the Avengers base, Wanda took it upon herself to lock herself in her room and having replays of news and current events on a loop on her TV screen.

Steve had tried his best to comfort her, as did Hermione Granger-Rogers, his wife and soulmate but Wanda was content on being alone. Even Vision, her soulmate, was helpless to comfort her. Out of all the Avengers, the only one that could help out of her room and her funk, was apparently myself. Hermione had explained that I more than anyone would know what she was going through. I had protested, stating that we'd all know what she was going through in one way or another, as we all had made mistakes that cost lives. But, Hermione (as always) was right and I realized that I, more than anyone, knew the kind of torture Wanda was putting herself through.

I knocked on her door, and I heard her faintly call out that it was okay to walk in. Sighing, I opened the door, and immediately frowned as she sat in an armchair, face glued to the TV screen as it replayed the events of her actions. Her face was teary and I sighed again, walking to her, and crouching down so that my bum rested on the back of my legs.

"You know, if you keep watching this, you're going to give yourself a terrible headache." I murmured, gently prying the remote off her and turning the TV off.

"Barely the price to pay for my actions. I deserve that and more." Wanda snapped, her accent heavy. I could understand her, despite her heavy Sokovian accent, and I sighed, once again. This was going to be a long conversation.

"You cannot keep blaming yourself. You were trying to save Steve and the muggles that were in the market. If you didn't, you along with Steve and the muggles in the market would have died and there would have been more casualties." I protested. She looked at me sadly and I gave her a look of pity. "Look, if it means anything, I know how you feel. I too, was once in your shoes, blaming myself for the deaths of the many students and creatures during the battle of Hogwarts. You've read my mind, and I showed you my memories, so you would know what I speak of. It is not healthy to act like this."

"But you were fighting a war, and trying to save not only your community, but the world too." Wanda stated.

"If you didn't do what you did, it would have been a different outcome, and right now, we'd be having a funeral for you, and for Steve. And considering you've both find your soulmates, both Vision and Hermione would have been so upset, including the rest of us. And on another note, what would I say to Pietro when he awakens?" I remarked. "Before he succumbed into a coma, he made me promise to look after you, and Luna, your future sister-in-law...if he ever wakes up."

Pietro, Wanda's brother, had succumbed into a coma after being shot multiple times by Ultron during the Battle of Sokovia. Luna, who had been there, had tried to save his life, bringing him back through multiple healing spells. Only, it didn't heal all of him, and he had been in a coma ever since then. Luna Lovegood, his soulmate and fellow best friend of mine, had been by his side and was slowly healing herself, after her attempts to heal him had weaken her magical core. She could still do magic, but not as much as she used to. Though, one day she would be fully healed and Pietro would be healed. At least that was the dream.

I had taken to both Pietro and Wanda the moment I met them. They were similar, and loners like myself, as they too had lost their parents, and had gone to war to avenge them. But with some convincing, I had managed to sway them to our side, and I took Wanda under my wing, helping her with her powers that were so like magic, but different.

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