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(Author POV)
The car ride was silent the tension was high you could slice it with a knife they didn't know why is was weird but it just was . Trap didn't think she would act all distance after he gave her what she begged for little did he know she was in the passenger seat going crazy in her head she was panicking she wasn't trying to get pregnant but Trap did all money cars and a nice ass house . She just didn't want to be somebody's baby mama Ari always said if I get pregnant her child's father would have to marry her she was worth more than just a bm title ! Trap looked over and seen a single tear escape from Ari eye he didn't know what he did wrong or how to react so he just placed his hand on her thigh she didn't move or even look at him it made him feel a certain type of way .

We pulled up to my house and before he could say anything to me I quickly jumped out the car and ran up the steps I was ashamed of myself for being so careless but what's done is done . I ran me some hot bubble bath and blasted my Slow Jamms . Trap called me about three times I had my phone on DND so I didn't notice I also read his messages

Trap 🥰💦❤️- I hope I didn't do anything wrong I miss you 😘
Trap 🥰💦❤️- So you ain't fucking with ya boy no more ? Ari what did I do ? Please just call me
Trap 😍💦❤️- I wanted to take you out to dinner and movies tonight but I guess I'll catch you when your not mad I hope to hear from you soon

After reading his messages it made my heart skip a beat I didn't think he really cared about me I thought it was just a hit and quit type of think but I guess not I hoped out the tub and went to my room . I called Trap but he didn't answer maybe he found another bitch to go with him oh well I shrugged my shoulders layed on my bed and dozed off

2 hours Later
I jumped from my phone vibrated I looked and seen Trap called me 5 times I called him back he sounded worried like he was unsure about something when he answered but I played it off to see what he was gone say
"Hey" I said , " I wasn't ignoring you earlier I was just in the tub with my music up I didn't see you call till afterwards but I called back you didn't answer so I toke a nap" Trap said he figures that's what happened and did I want to go out I said yeah he'll be here at 9 I looked at the clock it was only 6pm so I laid my clothes set my alarm and went back to sleep .
Once I was up I felt so refreshed , I told myself I'm not gone cut him off and actually try this relationship out first before I go judging a book by its cover . I brushed my teeth and slayed my makeup to the gods ain't nothing like a natural beat baby , Trap was blowing me up but I had to make sure I stepped out looking good so I did a mirror check
Lips Looking Bomb ,✔️ Makeup On Point ✔️ Outfit Cute ✔️Body Banging ✔️✔️ Yep Im ready to step out now . I grabbed my phone  . Made my way to his black 2018 BMW . His smell made my panties wet I already know how this night gone go 💦

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