Dinner Party

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I hate dinner parties. Okay strike that I have never been to one I just happen to hate this dinner party. Why you may ask? Because I had to sit next to my best friend as he looked around waiting for his date to arrive.

"Where the hell are they?" He asked his voice gruff showing his discomfort.

"Dean relax. She is with Sam he is not going to let anything happen to her. Besides you are going to blow our cover." I say softly leaning over to whisper in his ear.

All I got as a response was a clinched jaw.

Sighing I moved over putting a seat between us. Being in the back of the room at a small square table kept most eyes off us. The rest of the room was filled with more tables people sitting around them most likely talking about the people at the next table over. At the front of the room was a stage a large curtain behind it. Some holly roller was going to join us and start so charity auction. Her being the perfect target for some higher level demon.

We were here to kill the demon and call it a night. A quote unquote "Easy job" for Dean's girl .Her supposable wanting to get into the life. Dumbest girl I ever met but then again you know what they say about blondes.

Seeing movement out of the corner of my eye broke my from my ranting thoughts. Yes I was jealous but you would be too if you were raised with someone. Seen them die more than once but is still always there for them just to have them always pick someone else.

I was a little surprised to have Dean sitting beside me once again Amber on his other side. I could barely hear him ask her if she was okay.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks from sitting beside me.

"Huh?" I ask my head snapping to look at him.

"Are you alright you seem out of it?

"I'm in a room full of people that could be demons and I have been wanting to stab something for a few days now of course I'm out of it. My head is racing." I say looking at him like he is an idiot.

I'm rewarded by his bitch face him seeing right through my bullcrap. Maybe that's why I picked Sam as my brother and Dean my BFF.

"We both know that-."

"Shh it's starting keep your eyes peeled." Dean says interrupting Sam, I try to ignore the arm around the back of Amber's chair as best I can.

Seeing a woman walk out on stage dressed in a classy red dress her ebony hair short and in pin curls. Her at least in her forties.

"That's her. Now all we have to do is keep an eye out for the son of bitch that wants to kill her." Dean says his eyes raking thew the room of races.

"Not to be rude but I seriously doubt they are going to be sitting there with black eyes." I say leaning over to whisper at him.

"Y/N is right Dean that would be dumb." Amber says smiling at me.

I smile back there no need to be rude to her because Dean is with her. Her extremely ditsy but a nice person.

"Yeah I know that hun just trying to stay on my A game." Dean says smiling down at her.

"Thank you all for coming." Says the lady in red her smile lighting up her face.

"I know tonight means a lot to you all but you don't understand how much it means to me." She says looking around the room.

"I know we would all like to get to the fun part but I would first like to thank our very special guests we have here tonight."

"If you all would be so kind as to give a warm welcome to our friends in the back the Winchesters." She says gesturing toward us.

With that being said the whole room turned to us a room full of at least 100 and half of them had black eyes.

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