The Game

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"Hmm let's see who should go first?" Says the voice it sticky sweet. I knew that she was smiling wherever she was.

"Oh I know. I'll flip a coin heads the boys first tails the girls first. Sound fair?"

"Get on with it. I'm starting to get bored." I say trying to distract myself and maybe the others with being cocky.

"Well alright then Missy Ladies first. Since you are so bored Y/N why don't you start us off by flicking Dean's nose." She says followed by a giggle.

"What?" I ask looking at the TV since that is where her voice is coming from.

"You heard me flick his nose like the bad boy he is."

"Are you serious?"

"Oh i'm always serious but it's nice to have fun once and awhile. Why not with you?"

"Come on Y/N just get it over with. The quicker we get out of here the quickly I get to stab the bitch."

"Dean always so angry and they say women like you more."

Sighing I rolled my eyes and reached up to flick Dean's nose. I couldn't help but crack a smile at the way his nose wrinkled up.

"I heard that makes your eyes water." She said giggling again.

"Is this really happening?" Amber asks softly.

"Oh yes it is Dear and our tall friend Sam is next. Why don't you hmm let's see punch Amber. You can pick where."

"No." Sam said quickly.

"Oh come now play along. It's more fun when you play along." Says the voice whining.

Both me and Dean used the time of her talking to Sam to look around the room from where we stood.

It was a simple room a bed, dresser, table.

That's where the demon sat with our weapons. He was cleaning his fingernails with Dean's knife. Seeing it reminded me of mine. Idiot for not searching us. Only problem it was the demon knife tucked under my shirt and into my pants on my right hip. I would be caught the moment I tried to make a move for it. I knew the only way to get it was a distraction.

Hearing a soft slap I turned my attention to the TV to see that Sam had barely punched Amber's arm along the lines of a playful punch.

"You call that a punch. I heard you boys were the big bad wolves to little red eyed demons like me."

"Let us out and you'll see how bad we can be." Dean says quickly.

"Now now Dean I don't think your girlfriend likes to hear you talk like that to another lady."

"Good thing I'm not talking to a lady."

"Frances, why don't you show these boys what a real punch looks like."

Before either me or Dean could do anything a hard force hit my cheek making me fall over onto the bed. I can't help but graon in pain as my busted shoulder smacks into the mattress.

"Why you son of bitch." Dean says trying to jump at me only for a shot to go off followed by a yell.

I look up to see a forming red line along Dean's left shoulder.

"Hey! That wasn't apart of the rules!" Sam yells smacking the door.

His response is laughter.

"Silly I make the rules." Says the voice still laughing.

"Y/N are you alright?" Dean asks moving over to help me up.

"Mmm-hmm." I say nodding my head slowly standing up.

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