Chapter Eleven

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chapter 11 - kidnapped   

         Drip, drip, drip.

        Drip, drip, drip.

        You dared to slowly open your eyes, it being blurry at first, but then you realized you were hanging from the ceiling with your hands in knots. Water was pouring from the crack in the cieling and a horrible stench followed causing you to scrunch your nose in disgust.

        This scene almost looked like the dream you had of your mom a week ago. You looked around, panting heavily, trying to get free of the rope around your wrists, but to no avail. Blood was dripping from your forehead.

        "No, this can't be happening... this can't be real." You yelled, hoping someone would hear you.

        You heard high heels clicking outside the door in front of you, getting the closer and closer until it stopped.

        The door swung open, and you saw a woman that looked about in her twenties. She had blonde flowing hair, brown dirt eyes, and the biggest smirk you have ever seen.

        "Well now, I see that you're awake. Had a good nap?" She walked into the room, turning around, slowly closing the door with a successful click.

        You were angry. What the hell was going on?! First, the last thing you remember was taking a nap on the couch at Ludwig's place, and second, you wake up to find out that you've been kidnapped!

        "You're probably thinking, what the hell is going onWhy did I get kidnapped by some random chick? Well, let me tell you something, bitch. You tried to take Gilbert away from me! He is mine...  I don't understand why stupid humans like you think you can just try and take him away from me! He'll always be mine! Always!!" 

        Oh god. One minute, she's calm and collected, the next she's a fucking psycho! God, I hate people like this. But, wait...

        "Aren't you human? You're not a country are you? I haven't seen you before..." You asked, extremely confused.

        She chuckled darkly. "I was once, ya'know. But ever since I came to this universe, it changed me. I think you could hardly call me human anymore."

        All of a sudden her eyes turned red, and fangs slid out of her mouth. She smiled with a sinister laugh. 

        "The things you could do in other universes are just marvelous. And yes, I've been to other universes... this is what they turned me into." A wicked smile slipped onto her face.

        Vampire.... Other universes.... Random woman.... Gilbert... Slowly you were picking up all the pieces together.

        "Wait. So you're basically telling me that you've been in this dimension before?"

        She looked taken back. "What? Of course I have or else I wouldn't have found the likes of you." 

        You smirked a little, almost forgetting the situation you were in. "I've heard these the stories of you. The woman who used the countries, started unnecessary wars with them, and faked your own death just to not mess with their show." [In Chapter 2, Ludwig tells you about her, if you're confused]

        She growled then anger flashed in her eyes. Before you knew it, she punched you hard in the face.

        You gasped at the sudden pain, and spat out some blood. 

        "I didn't use them. I would never do that. When I first came here, I was in shock of course. But I'd never do anything to hurt them. They mean a lot to me. Especially Gilbert..." Her red eyes and fangs were gone as she looked down, with tears in her eyes.

        "He was always nice to me... One night, I was running from  them. The countries - I mean, because they were being mean and didn't want me to experiment on them anymore. I couldn't help it though... they are the personification of friggin' countries! I'd love to know how it all worked, but it didn't go as planned."

        "Gilbert.. he saw how sad I was and tried helping me from the other countries. It was sweet of him. So as I was saying, I was running from the countries chasing me with Gilbert..." She sighed.

        "I remember hearing Gilbert screaming my name in front of me, I looked sideways and saw a car. It was as if the whole thing was in slow motion... the car... the countries... Gilbert. I quickly opened up a portal and went to another universe."

        She looked back up at you with eyes of sadness. You were shocked. You never heard this story from any of the other countries about the woman before besides Ludwig... but Gilbert never mentioned the portal. 

        Her face was full of contempt until it filled with rage again. "But that doesn't mean I'm not going to kill you,"

Please, I don't want to die like this... 

        "Wha- Wait! I don't want to die! I'll leave him! G-Gilbert... I'll leave hi..him..." You choked through your sobs of despair.

        She stopped and stared at you with a glint of amusement in her eyes.


        You nodded furiously.

        "Fine. Let's make a deal... I'll leave you alive, and return you to your universe but only if you leave Gilbert." 

        You quickly nodded in reply. She smiled, with her fangs disappearing again, but her red eyes remained.

        "Alright. Good night, [f/n] .... be sure to say goodbye to Gilbert~" She whispered putting her hand on your face and you suddenly blacked out.


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