Chapter 6

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I was woken up to a bright blinding light overhead. I squint and sit up. My head is pounding, I look around at where I am. I'm sitting on a very hard cot. The sheets were nothing like back home. The room was small, the walls to my right and left were made of glass, in front of me was an iron door. I could see into other smaller room like mine. The realization finally sets in. I'm in a cell. I struggle to my feet, one hand on my aching head as things come into focus. I turn to my left and through the glass I see four people passed out in beds of their own, I knock, trying to wake them up. I hit harder and harder with each punch. Finally, I hear a noise behind me. I turn to see my brother, banging on the glass to my left. I rush over to him and gently rest my hand against the cool surface, he does the same. I'm the first one to break the silence that is haunting my cage.

"Where are we?" My voice was weak and raspy, but it was enough for Cal to hear.

"I have no idea, the last thing I remember was seeing you fall. I've been up for about an hour now. I've checked all the angles, but there is no way out" I stare at my brother in confusion. I've never so defeated. Even after all the hatred, all the pressures of a worried kingdom. This is what breaks him.

"I'll find a way out Cal even if it kills me." I look around the cell again. There was nothing really special about the room. Just a blinding light above me. In front was a giant metal door. I go to reach for it, and it opens on its own. A short woman steps inside. A tall, muscled man stomping behind her.

"Adara, I'm glad you're finally awake." The woman looks me up and down smirking at my confused state. She leans in front of me and checks my body for any cuts and bruises, there are plenty, but not from the attack on my home, but from the many scars my brother has left me over the years, never let Ki heal them. The sensation of being healed was amazing, but it was never going to make me better. I pull myself away from the woman and look up at her with confusion and anger. She studies my face, trying to find what I was thinking. Once finding what she is looking for she stands up, a small smug rippling over her face.

"I'm sorry for the confusion. We weren't supposed to gather you for another month or so but apparently, the directors needed you now." I look over at Cal who is watching the strong man's every move. I turn my head back to the woman, questions race through my head, causing it to pound like a hammer to a nail.

"Why did to bring us here? Who are you and what directors?" The woman chuckles and looks at the man that followed her in.

"Bring her." She saunters out of the cell. I turn to my brother.

"Get help" is all I can see Cal mouth to be before the man walks over and slaps some metal handcuffs onto my wrists. We turn right and start to follow the woman down what seemed like a hallway made of snow. With pure white marble walls and tiles, the light hurts me, it was so overwhelming. I make sure to watch all of my surroundings as much as I can. Somethings different. I look around the room then it hits me, I don't have my abilities. I concentrate trying to spark the flame inside me, but my hands are cold, my whole body is cold. I start to shiver as we walk into another room full of the same blinding marble walls and tiles. The muscle man sits me down forcefully in one of the shiny metal chairs. The woman then sits directly across from me.

"Why am I here?" It was my turn to talk. I have questions, and I need them answered or I'm never going to get out of here. The woman just laughs. It sounded wholehearted, but I knew better.

"Look at you, trying to act all high and mighty. How cute." I roll my eyes at her.

"What do you want from us?" I look the woman over. She has bleach blonde hair, almost white. Her Ice blue eyes stood out against her dark lashes. She looks like she could be a shiver.

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