"My congratulations Princess Adara. I can't wait to be there for your coronation." His voice was firm and hard, he doesn't wear suits or military uniform like the rest. Silver metal that fits together smoothly shines against his skin as some sort of armor. He came here for business, and I'm guessing my family bought his military uses to put it to our fleets, he's a general, like his father and his father before, protecting their home with armies of officers and soldiers.

Next was Oliver Haise, lower in the ranks but still very important for the bond Silvis and Ignis share. The greenie man is a diplomat, a speaker of our alliance. Without him, our country's food supplies would drastically drop and we would starve.

"Every happiness to you Princess Adara." He gently grips my hand, pulling me in close.

"Your mother was a wonderful queen, you remind me so much of her." I can smell the wine on his breath. It's hot on my face and makes me sweat and the room spin.

You remind me so much of her. The thought makes my head swim. I smile softly and tuck a stray piece of hair out of my face, swaying from the toes to the balls of my feet.

"Thank you, my lord." Before I can engage in any more conversation my brother swoops me away Many people eye us, and I can feel Fin's eyes on the back of my neck, chilling me.

"Hey, are you okay? You look a bit pale" Then I realize the smell of wine isn't what made the room spin, the balcony spins too. I have to grab onto Cal to keep me steady.

"Adara." Cal lets me go, and I grip the railing tight. In the moonlight, his eyes glow like magma. He puts one hand on either side of me, trapping me in and forcing me to focus. Cal shouts and grabs me, trying to get to me somehow, but I can't breathe.

"I-I can't do this."

"You think I want to do this?" He breathes, his face inches from mine.

"Stand here and watch you waltz into something you don't want to have let alone know how to do." The thought overwhelms me. I slipped out of his arms and slides onto the floor. Strong hands pull me to my feet. They slide to my face, holding me still. His striking blue eyes burn my skin

"Adara you need to breathe. Please" His hands are rough against my skin. It calms me and brings me back into a world where I try my hardest to not be like her. The wind blows, sending a chill up my spine.

"I'm becoming her. My mother." Fin's face falls into a scowl. For some reason, he becomes so enraged and I don't know why.


"You're not your mother." He spits, his hand tightens on mine, a display of support. The small comfort helps. We stand there, quiet and cold, none of daring to talk.

"I believe you." I give his hand a slight squeeze, he smiles at the action.

Together we walk away from the balcony. As we walk under the archway, I feel a small touch on my arm. My brother nods at me, his face full of concern. I give him a reassuring nod before he can speak Alana grabs his hand. Pulling him into a crowd, a ghost of a smile on his face.

Fin and I dance first. Our alliance has shown in front of everyone, a display of strength and power. Right now I want to do, but dancing with Fin makes me feel good, warm even.

"How dare you not tell me it was your birthday? I'm honestly very hurt" Fin puts a hand to his chest and mocks a hurt facial expression. I know he's trying to do his best at making me feel better, but I don't think anything can help right now.

"I appreciate you trying to help but please. Stop talking." I know what I said was harsh, but I don't know why I said it, so I look anywhere else but him. I see Cal, Kira, Melanie, and Alana standing side by side, engrossed in conversation. I see Cal and Alana laughing, he looks so happy. I smile weakly then turn to look at my betrothed. What I said must have gotten to him because his face was void of emotions. His hard look mixed in with his facial features, he looked like he was chiseled out marble, like what he was doing was a chore. I suddenly feel very regretful of my actions. I sigh and begin to speak.

"I apologize for my behavior. It was out of line, but I shouldn't have been so rude. My mother said my father acted out like this too, he didn't get snippy as I did, he was like..." My stomach drops at the mention of my father.

"I can't really describe it."

"I completely understand, I know what it's like losing your parents. Your father goes, then your mother loses it." He starts to trail off but then he shakes his head, shaking himself out of his thoughts.

"I would also like to apologize for treating you horribly the first day I met you." I scoff softly and look back out in the crowd. I meant to tell him thank you but what came out instead tasted bitter and crule, like i didn't believe him.

"I'm sure you are" My head snaps up from my words and I turn over to Fin, whose eyes were piercing me.

"Really. I am." He says, leaning towards me. The music sounded far off in my head and his voice was the only thing I hear.

"It's just- typically I would get to choose. One of the few perks of having my sister ruling." He adds with a terribly forced smile.

"Who were you going to choose, if you had the choice?" Fin hesitates, then shakes his head.

"I didn't have anyone in mind. But it was nice to have a choice, you know?" No, I don't know. I never had the luxury of choice. Not now, not ever.

My body dips, the movement was fast and made me yelp, Fins arms close around me and brings me up quick.

"Sorry, I thought you were ready for it."

"No, it was me. My mind wandered off" I chuckle softly to hide the fear.

"It tends to do that, doesn't it? What are you worried about? All this?"

"More than you know" My voice drops.

"Just relax, you're so stiff, let me lead" He chuckles and moves us into simpler steps.

"What would you do, if you could choose?" He speaks softly, but it's the only thing I hear out of thousands of voices. It fills my head. I find myself noticing more about him, the faint smell of smoked wood, it makes me think of warmth. This is the closest I've ever been to him, my face inches away from his neck. Feeling his heartbeat against my chest, matching with my own.

We both get lost in our thoughts. Fin and I spin across the floor in time with the music, surrounded by onlookers, finally when the music ends Fin lets go of me. We both stare at one another, people in the crowd cheer for their future King and queen. Cal and Ki spot me through the crowd and start to come toward me, but he will never reach me. The next thing I remember was the breaking of glass, screaming, and smoke. Lots of screaming and smoke. I look around at the commotion, and all I can see is people dropping in front of me. I stumble forward then someone grabs my arm. I turn around and through the smoke I see Fin.

"Fin! I need to find Cal and Ki!" I start to panic. My steps falter as I walk in the direction where I think my brother is. Finally, I run into a body. I look up to see the glowing amber eyes of my brother and right next to him, holding on tight to his arm is Kira I grab onto her as well, Melanie and Alana doing the same. The more I move the dizzier I get. I slowly look at everyone around me. The sisters' grip on their brother loosens and their limp bodies slump to the floor, Fin trying to wake them up, but even he is getting weak. Kira slowly starts to slip from my grip. I look at her slowly.

"Ki... no... please. Stay awake!' I moan and slowly slip out of Cal's grip. Kira and I hit the floor simultaneously. I stare up at my brother and not long after, he hits the floor. I roll over and grab the closet hand I can reach and squeeze. The hand squeezes back, my eyes fight against sleep as I stare at my brother one more time before finally going under.

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