kind of magic

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John smiled walking off stage first still having his bass strapped over his shoulder. "So?" He asked excited. I jumped up and down. "It was amazing! Your dancing was amazing! You get into it and I can't take my eyes from you! You really are disco deaky!" I squelled making him chuckle. "Thanks." He was blushing as he took his bass off his shoulder. "But I ment about the full show and everybody." His smile never left his face. "It was amazing! Brian was killing it! Roger looked like he was about to break the kit and Freddie! Oh he-" I was cut off by Freddie's smooth voice. " I was what darling?" I blushed my eyes locking on his face. I gulped. "Were-were amazing!" He chuckled and walked over pulling me closer I hugged him happy to be in his arms. Roger and Brian were whispering and Deaky looked a tad Jealous? Ha no way. "So I was wondering since you don't have a place to stay." Freddie paused as to make it dramatic. "Yea?" I asked my eyes found Deaks back. He was putting away his bass and closing the case. "If you'd like to stay with me at my home? After the touring is done." My eyes grew. "R-really?" He laughed. "Yes dear I can't have you out on the streets can I?" I hugged him tighter. "This is all like a dream come true Freddie! I-I never thought I'd ever meet you! I lost that cha-." I stopped myself before I said anything. "Well it's no dream. You've traveled through time and space. Now I suggest you show me the blue call box you came in." He winked and I smiled. "I did'nt know you liked Doctor Who!" He chuckle.

"So." We both looked at Deaky who had clapped his hands together. He was silent but his eyes roamed over me and I blushed. "Yes Deaky?" Freddie asked amused and a little confused. "We should -I don't know go out for some drinks or something." His eyes were now looking at Freddie who was grinning like a cat. "Wonderful idea!" Freddie turned to Roger and Brian who were sill whispering. "Well you two coming?" I looked away when Brian looked at me but answered Freddie. "Yea sounds fun. Right Rog?" I looked to Roger who just shrugged. "Yea you know me. Never pass up a drink!" He smiled but his blue eyes looked at me with something I could'nt place. "Right then it's settled. Let me just get cleaned up and we will be off." Freddie bowed and left. Deaky walked over. "I'm gunna go clean up too." He announced to everyone and smiled at me walking off leaving me with Roger and Brian. I gulped as there eyes seemed to look into my soul. "Rose?" I gulping when Roger walked over. "Why do you get like that whenever Fred talks about his future?" I looked away only to see Brian's face. "Um." Brian walked over too." And don't give us any of that space time crap or whatever." I took a breath. "Well?" Roger asked angry. "Freddie he.. He dies okay. Before I'm born he dies!" I looked away. "H-how?" Brian asked hurt in his voice. "He got sick." Roger gripped my shoulders. "From what and what year?" I looked in to his blue eyes now full of pain. "Um 19-1991. A-Ai-Aids." I was shaking now and Roger let do to sit down. "He was only. Like 45?" Brian stated and gulped. "Yea I know." I whispered. "What about the rest of us?" Roger asked. "You three are still alive in 2019. John well he retired soon after Freddie died. You and Bri keep Queen going off and on over the years. You get a man named Adam who is amazing to be the singer for the band. In the future Queen is made up of Roger,Brian and Adam. I was gunna see you three when I traveled back in time and here I am. I always dreamed of seeing the original Queen shows live and now I got that chance. How I don't know but I really did'nt have much of a life in 2019 so I won't be missed and I don't want to go back." Roger was holding his head and Bran was thinking. "This is why I did'nt want to sat anuthing about Fred's life. I did'nt want you two to be worried about what happens in '91. I'm sorry." I started rubbing my arm and looked at the floor. "Hey no Rose you hav'nt done anything wrong." Brian said pulling me into his arms ans I hugged him back engulfed in curls. "Bri is right and so are you but maybe we can fix it. Change it somhow!" Roger said standing and giving me a small smile. He took my hand and rubbed it trying to help. "So hey you could like make sure I don't do anything embarrassing or stupid right?" Roger asked trying to lighten the mood. I smiled and Brian chuckled. "Well Rog that would be utterly impossible I'm afraid." Roger glared at the taller man. "Well is'nt this wonderful!" Freddie said snapping a picture. I blinked but smiled. Deaky walked to me and moved Brian's hair. "There you are you were lost in the jungle of curls!" I laughed as Deak pulled me out and I hugged him for the first time. "Aww!" Freddie snapped another picture. "Say how old are you anyway Rose?" Freddie asked. "Yea can you even get into the pub?" Brian asked looking at me. "Oh well I'm fourteen." Deakys eyes grew and he let go clearly freaking out in his head. I lost it laughing. "No I'm really twenty-three calm down Deak!" He took a breath and Roger laughed putting his arms around me. "Well played Rosie he clearly has the hots for you!" Deaks blushed bright red. "Shut up Roger!" He mumbked getting everyone to laugh. "Lets go dearlings!"

We left to go to the pub and It was then I relized I was in london!

Meeting Queen? (Time travel story takes place in 1983)Where stories live. Discover now