The Truth

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The next day after his short conversation with Mrs Lovett Sweeney couldn't help but want to find out a little more about her daughter. He had been stood behind a brick wall watching as Mrs Lovett said her goodbyes to what must be her little girl. He had waited for the last hour just waiting to get a glims of the young girl.

Now as he watched Mrs Lovett say her goodbyes and kiss her on the head Sweeney could see the striking resemblance she had to Nellie. It warmed his heart and broke it at the same time.

Just seeing this tiny girl in rags and looking rather scruffy killed him inside. He would hate if this was his child to have to live like this, it wasn't fair. For any child....

Watching in the distance as Mrs Lovett left the rowdy bar leaving her daughter waving behind, Sweeney slowly emerged from the shadows. He just needed to see the little girl in person. His gut was telling him that she could very well be his...

Now that Mrs Lovett had left Sweeney headed over to the girl as she picked up a pale of water. However she tripped suddenly, falling to the floor with a crash along with the bucket of water that went everywhere. On impulse Sweeney rushes over and helped her up.

Mae looked at him cautiously as he helped her to her feet. She muttered a thank you as she wiped her hands down her dirty dress. handing her the now empty bucket Sweeney kneeled down to her level. "Are you alright?" He asked generally concerned, looking into her nervous face. She looked like Nellie when she got nervous and for that he smiled inside, it was rather endearing.

"Yes thank you" she awkwardly said before hearing Mrs Langdon shouting in the background.

"Ave' you got that bucket of water Mae!" She shouted to which Sweeney noticed her gulping in worry. Mae, her name was as lovely as she was.

"It's fine I'll sort it" he said taking the bucket gently from her grasp and running over to the wishing well. She watched in surprise as the kind man filled up the bucket from the well before brining it over to her.

"Thank you" she smiled kindly. No one was ever kind to her, she only knew kindness from her mother never from anyone else. It warmed her heart and she smiled sweetly at him.

"You're welcome Mae, that's your name isn't it?" He asked crouching again to her level.

"Yes" looking over her shoulder to check Mrs Langdon wasn't about she turned back to the stranger as he smiled at her.

"It lovely....out of interest how old are you Mae" he asked to which she frowned slightly.


His eyes sparked in surprise. He was right!Nellie had lied to him. This could be his child too after all.

"Wow and where are your parents sweetheart?" He said not wanting to scare her with all his questions.

"I only have a mummy, and she said I shouldn't talk to people I don't know" Mae innocently said looking around awkwardly and a little unsure if she should still be standing there.

"And she would be right, but I'm not a stranger Mae, I'm an old friend of your mothers and your fathers....where is your daddy?" He asked wanting so desperately to know.

"I don't know, mummy said he ran away when I was born" he could see the sadness in her eyes. It broke his heart, she was so sweet and innocent that his insides knotted painfully for everything he had done. If only he knew Nellie fell pregnant, he would never have left her. He made an awful mistake that morning he left one he would have to live with his whole life.

"MAE! What the bleedin' hell is takin' ya so long" Mrs Langdon yelled to which Mae quickly picked up the bucket with two hands and gulped again. She looked so frightened of whoever was calling for her that he could only narrow his eyes wondering who it was looking after this child.

"I have to go now, thank you for my water" she said so politely. Nellie has brought her up well

"Alright, watch yourself with that now, was nice meeting you" he smiled sincerely getting up and waving as she headed back into the bar with a sweet smile on her face. He loved her already if that were even possible. Sweeney Todd never realised he could love again, yet this proved it. He had to speak to Mrs Lovett and now.


"This is only 40 where's the rest?" Nellie snapped whizzing round in just her underwear at the man who thought he could take her for a fool. He was underpaying for her services and she wasn't having it. She was known not to be messed with around these parts and as of now if he didn't pay her in full she would hit the roof.

The man in about his late 30's ignored her and sat on the end of the bed lighting a cigar. He was dressed again but was in no rush to leave in fact in his eyes he could stay in this whores room for as long as he chooses.

Nellie felt her jaw clenching in annoyance and so she marched over to stand in front of him. Hands on hips and with a whole load off attitude Nellie pouted her lips. "I'm not cheap! Now pay up?" She snapped.

Growing angry the man finally looked at her in the eyes and stood to her level. "Or what!" He barked in her face. She gulped under his intense stare trying to think of something quick.

"I'll refuse to sleep with you again"

The man smirked before turning his nose up at her in disgust. "Believe me I won't be coming back, I'll find another whore" he said spitting on the floor where she stood before walking out.

Nellie stood stewing in anger for the mans disrespect! It was at times like these when she wished for that knight in shining armour to come and rescue her. She shook her head and collapsed onto the bed. "Like that's ever gonna happen'" she mumbled to herself just before there was a knock on the door.

Sitting up quickly she wondered if her wish had been granted. "Come in"

However it was Sweeney Todd that eases past the door way. Wishes don't come true it seemed...only nightmares... she mused to herself as she looked into the demons eyes.

"What the hell do you want" she sighed slouching up on the end of the bed with her arms stretched behind her for support.

"To talk" he mumbled watching as she rolled her eyes and twiddled with a strand of bleached blonde hair in her fingers. She was too tired for any of his shit today, the man was like an annoying bug that you just can't seem to kill.

"How many bleedin times do I ave' to tell ya Mr Todd that I don't want to see ya!" She rose from the bed and over to the dresser in the small room to collected what little money she had. She flicked through a couple of notes and stuffed them down between her breasts. A long time ago she would have covered up in his presence. But she couldn't even be asked, she didn't care anymore! He'd seen her at her worst so what's a little flesh to him now?

"You'll listen" he told her dropping a heavy bag onto a table spilling out with coins. Her eyes widened slightly, not at the sight of the money but at his proposition.

"Ya crazy if ya think I'm gonna sleep with you!" She all but snapped glaring at him and his disgusting bag of money.

"I'm paying for your time Mrs Lovett not for your we need to talk...about Mae"

Her eyes widened. He knew her name! Just what did he want to ask about her daughter? Did he know the truth.....

A/N: I know I'm evil I'm sorry! I'm also sorry for the wait, however I'm extremely busy around Christmas and new year so you'll have to forgive me😬 I really hope you liked the chapter! Please still continue to let me know your thoughts ❤️ thanks for reading!!!

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