House of Sin

702 34 41

Sweeney didn't know what to expect. Standing just outside the brothel that supposedly Mrs Lovett was now working in made his stomach turn. The very thought of her selling her body through the night to perverted men made him suffer at the very thought. He always hated the idea of brothels. He had only ever been in one once and that wasn't for his sake but for a friend of his when he was growing up.

Benjamin had been so awkward. He had sat inside the old brothel awkwardly on a chair as his friend went off to sleep with one of the working ladies. Luckily he had Lucy at the time and never felt pressured by his friend to hook up with one other the ladies. The experience however was uncomfortable considering he had many prostitutes asking him if he wanted their services...

Shaking His head from his thoughts Sweeney gulped slowly before heading towards the house of sin. What scared him most was the unexpected, he just couldn't picture Eleanore Lovett working in a filthy place like this. It wasn't right.

On approaching the door he noticed one of the ladies biting down on her lip seductively at him. Her appearance was dirty and much too revealing. Her clothes left little to the imagination considering her tight corset had pushed her breasts out so much they looked as if they were ready to spring out. Her hair was a backcombed mass of orange and her makeup was thick and smeary. She looked awful.

"Ello there me darlin, can I be of some service to ya?" She winked biting her lip again as she looked at Sweeney up and down. She could see he was a man of wealth, knew if she got him in she would be paid handsomely. Not only that he was gorgeous!

Sweeney sneered at her remark and looked past her shoulder down the corridor of the brothel in hope to see Nellie. "I'm looking for someone, Primrose?" He asked seeing her eyes roll.

"Ya don't want her, I'm free as of now...." she began to step closer to him, running her dirty fingers down his smart lapels.

Throwing her hands off he glared at her for her nerve. He walked past the woman and headed into the brothel. The smell of alcohol combined with cheap perfume was the first thing to hit him hard, the amount of women working here was shocking.

He looked around every so often catching someone's eye to see if it was Mrs Lovett. Yet he couldn't find her.

Every time he was approached he simply just shook them off, literally. He had certainly caught a few eyes in their, yet not the ones he had hoped for. Just where was she! He could feel himself getting more and more worked up as he headed past a couple of occupied rooms until reaching the huge bar. It was full of men and women. Smoking and drinking like animals. Lap dancing in the corner, men hitting the waitresses backsides as they past. Sweeney grimaced, the world was such vermin.

"You look lost sir" a woman's voice sounded making him turn to yet another prostitute.

"I'm looking for Madame Primrose" he mumbled lowly eyes still scanning the room like hawk hunting it's prey.

The woman beside him tapped him on the shoulder and pointed him in the right direction. "With the sailors" she said before walking away after being called.

And that's when he saw her.

She was bent over a table resting her body weight on her elbow as she giggled and flirted away with some sailors. She was dressed in a large patchwork dress that hugged in on her small waist and large breasts. Sweeney squinted his eyes in the hazy bar noticing she had also died her hair. It was almost yellow looking as if she tried to cover up all her lovely red curls he used to love so much. Now it was even more tatted then before a huge mess on the top of her head, decorated with what looked like berry's and flowers of some sort.

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