Blame , Games , And Gnomes

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Reade and the team,and an ambulance, soon came after Reade had hung up.
"Can you untie me now, these ropes are cutting off my blood flow " Rich said looking up at Jane as the EMS responders rushed in and took Patterson.
"Will you not attack me Rich'' Jane asked him as she cut the ropes. And then the EMS people took him.
"I'll ride with Rich and Patterson. You go to Jane and Kurt" Afreen said getting out of the car and heading over to the ambulance.

"Kurt. Jane can I come in" Reade asked knocking on the door and opening it slightly.
"How did I get here Kurt and do not lie or sugarcoat it please" Jane said looking at her husband and then at Reade.

Kurt gave and small nod as Reade said " Jane we think you have been relapsing back into Remi but we can't be for sure."
Jane stared blankly at the two. Did she do this to Patterson and did she shot Rich ? Will I hurt anyone else ? How will they be safe from me and will I hurt Patterson again ? Jane thought as she began to get lost in her thoughts with questions.
"Jane. Jane. Snap out of it did you hear what we said." Kurt asked her as he took her hand.
"No Kurt I did those things to Patterson, why should you trust me?" Jane said pulling her hand away from Kurt's.
Kurt and Reade looked at each other and then Reade said "This wasn't your fault it was Remi. You are a different person. A person who does good and not bad and a woman who has helped save this country countless time."
"But Reade, Remi is me. I am Remi and nothing can change what I did to Patterson. How can she forgive me? How can I forgive myself?" Jane said looking down slightly at her hands.
"Well let's just go and try and find those drives, stop your relapses and stop you becoming Remi. Because if Patterson's right" Reade began to said clearing his throat.
"If Patterson right about what?" Jane said perking up and wanting to know what it was.
"Well if Patterson is right and when is she not. She thinks the if we dont find the drives you will relapse and will not come out of it and will be Remi for good" Kurt said taking Jane's hand once more.

Jane was taken back and nearly stumbled back on the floor and she said " We need to find these drives I don't not want to become her again and hurt you guys or Patterson again."
"Then we have no time to waste with Patterson in the state she is and and until Rich is back we need to bust our asses and our first look is Toyko, Japan " Reade said as the three of them walked out of the zoo and back to SIOC.


"Oh my God." Tasha said as Patterson came into the hospital room after the surgery.
"She will be alright but her knee is what worries us. A broken leg can heal and cuts will heal but her knee worries me at least. And her jaw suffered an injury like this before" A nurse said reading the charts
"Yeah she has, did this one brake her jaw" Tasha asked looking over at Patterson as the blonde looked like she was sleeping.
"No but it is a bit weakened but should be healed in a few days. She sure is strong a normal person would have given up. you sure are lucky miss '' The nurse said leaving the room and softly closed the door.

"Yeah you sure are stubborn aren't you but dont worry I won't leave you again until I have to" Tasha said sitting down next to her as she soon drifted into sleep.

"Tasha you awake" Patterson's father poking his head into the room as the latino stirred awake.
"I am now. Thanks for coming Bill the doctor's said to call family and so I called you. Is her mother on the way?" Tasha said walking out of the room as she rubbed her eyes softly.
"Yeah she was in an important convention and is flying here to New York as soon as she can but I'm here now. Has she woken up yet" Bill asked as her as they walked into the room.
"No they gave her a high dose of morphine but she should be waking up soon thanks coming Bill" Tasha said sitting down back in her seat.
"Well my daughter is lucky to have someone like you Tasha. So have you told her yet Natasha" Bill said gripping his daughters hand softly.
"Told her what. What do you mean Bill?"Tasha asked a bit confused.
"That you like her. Anyone with a mind can see it a mile away Tasha. " Bill said looking at her as Tasha got quiet for a minute.
"Its just I've been gone from the team for a few months with work and I dont think she'll want to see me or even remotely have feeling for me" Tasha said looking down once more.
"Are you kidding! Natasha my daughter talks non stop about you and wishes you never left " Bill said looking at her like her own father would.
Patterson groaned and said "Wheres mom?" as she rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up as she hissed in pain softly.
"Wow that's your first words when waking up" Her father said as he and Tasha helped the blonde sit up.
"Well I know your here. I heard your voice dad. I maybe injured but I'm not deaf " Patterson said as she looked over at Tasha and gave a soft smile.
"Well I'm glad you know my voice by now dear but maybe you and Tasha should talk I think you both have stuff to say to each other" Bill said beginning to stand up before Patterson grabbed his hand.
"No dad. The last thing I need is to be alone without family stay. I think what ever me and Tasha have to talk about I think we can say it in front of you dad" Patterson said as Bill sat down and Tasha gave a small nod.
"Ok fine I'll stay but this should only be a talk between you and Tasha" Bill said looking at Tasha slightly.
"You know what Bill you brought it up to me I should tell Patterson why shouldn't you be here when I tell her" Tasha said as her and Patterson looked at each other and chuckled softly.

It's Not OverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora