Definite and Indefinite Articles

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A definite article is just a word that shows that whatever noun it's modifying is specific; in English, it's 'the'. Because German has 3 genders, it has 3 definite articles for each case. Here they are for the nominative case:

Der (masculine)
Die (feminine)
Das (neuter)

Similarly to the definite article, German has 3 indefinite articles. These are words that show that what noun it modifies is not specific; in English, it's 'a' or 'an'. Here are the indefinite articles in German for the nominative case:

Ein (masculine)
Eine (feminine)
Ein (neuter)

It's important to memorize the gender of each new word you learn so that they can function grammatically correct in a sentence. I suggest learning them with the definite article in the nominative case.

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