Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

            The day had gone by slowly, and the only time anyone talked was when Flamidar yelled at Inferno to speed up, or to slow down, or to go lower, or to turn a certain way. It had gotten very annoying by nightfall, but just as Cody was beginning to think they would have to force Inferno through the night, his father yelled for him to stop for the night. The dragon didn’t hesitate to dive into a nearby clearing surrounded by thick brush that would keep them well hidden.

            “You go hunt for something for us to eat,” the man ordered to Lars, who reluctantly slid off Inferno’s back and walked off into the forest. Pointing at Cody and Mora he said, “You two can gather firewood and start a fire. Dragon, if you can understand me, dig a hole for us to sleep in more safely.”

            Inferno dipped his head obediently as everyone else got out of their seats, but when the enemy turned his back he growled. “What scum! A warrior of the skies being forced to dig himself into the ground!”

            “You saw, or at least felt his fury. Would you be willing to face that again, when I’m sure he could do so much more?” Cody asked, trying to calm his friend down.

            Inferno snorted, “Of course not, but he should have more sense, or at least more heart. I’d love to throw him in the hole and cover it up again with my dung!”

            Cody felt a pang of guilt at the dragon’s words, since it was his father they were talking about after all. After picking up a large stick and adding it to the pile in his arms, Cody decided it wasn’t too harsh. The bond between a father and son was supposed to be a very special one, matched by few others, and Flamidar had made one from nothing but lies. What had he ever done for Cody, except ignore him and now, order him around and threaten his closest friend?


            “I think we should post a watch,” Cody suggested to everyone with his father well within earshot.

            The moon was looming above the trees; casting the whole forest in dark shadows and making the nocturnal animals scurry about eagerly. The fire Mora had started had died out long before and was now only a few brightly-glowing embers. Everyone was full-fed and satisfied, except for Inferno. Flamidar had mentioned nothing of him eating, and no one dared to give him even the smallest piece of meat with the man around.

            “What do you mean ‘a watch’?” Flamidar asked, glaring at Cody with deeply hostile eyes.

            Cody stared daggers at him right back as he answered, “You can’t exactly blame us for wanting to keep close tabs on a close enemy.”

            “Waste precious hours of sleep on watching me, what do I care if it gets me one step closer to conquering you?” Cody’s father hissed, laying down at the very edge of the hole that Inferno had dug. He was clearly uncomfortable there, but dared not say it.

            “I’ll take the first watch,” Pippi cooed comfortingly in Cody’s ear.

            “Thank you,” Cody managed to respond before snuggling close to Inferno’s side.

            The dragon made a comforting growling noise as he pulled his wing over him and the others. He avoided covering Flamidar for numerous reasons, and Pippi was going to have to stay outside to watch the traitor. Cody pulled himself as close as he possibly could to his dragon’s warm, smooth scales and quickly fell asleep.

Inferno Legacy: Valor of the Dragon (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now