Chapter 3

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            Of course, Cody had another dream that night that he slept after the black dragon hatched from the egg that now lay scattered throughout the room. He dreamed that he was with the black dragon, many times its original size, riding it this time, in that space he saw between the spikes of the neck and the body. The dragon soared beneath the clouds, weaving between the mountains, and Cody saw a shimmer of blue above them, not quite like the sky, but then it vanished.

            The dragon glided down to an open clearing where a short man stood. Then he shimmered and disappeared, but he said something as he did so, but his words were lost in the wind, like himself.

            Then Cody woke up, and it was the exact time that he had fallen asleep, though he couldn’t figure out how he had slept for 24 hours straight. He sat up, and stretched and looked around his room, not seeing the baby dragon. He almost yelled as he saw that his window was shattered, and bits of the glass were scattered about outside. He picked up a rather large piece to study it, and then tossed it aside, but it somehow soared towards the wall, and shattered into a million little pieces.

            Feeling confused, he picked up a piece of cloth, and lightly tugged on opposite sides, just simply peeling it apart as if it were a paper towel; his strength had improved significantly. But at that moment, he was more concerned with getting that dragon under control, because it was loose in the forest somewhere.

            Cody put a hand on the windowsill and swung himself through the window with almost no effort whatsoever. He raced away in a random direction into the forest, noticing that his speed and agility had also increased amazingly. Suddenly, he saw the dragon on a tree branch perfectly level with his eyes, just staring at him again, although this time it was as if the beast was expecting him.

            “Why did you leave?” Cody asked it, not actually expecting it to respond.

            “I was hungry and you were still asleep, and couldn’t get me anything to eat.”

            Cody suddenly stared at the dragon as he backed away slowly; the dragon had somehow spoken to him telepathically, no words came out of its mouth, but he heard it in his head.

            Cody looked at it and asked, “You can talk?”

            The dragon waved its tail impatiently before replying, “Of course, I am a dragon, and you are the human I hatched for.”

            Seeing his confusion, the dragon added, “When your blood touched my egg, I absorbed it into myself, and subconsciously compared your personality to my own, as all dragons do, to find their companion. I knew you were destined to be mine, so I hatched for you, and now we must grow and live together.”

            “How do you know all of this?”

            “When a dragon egg is laid, the mother explains a few things to her children that give them the necessary instructions to survive. I have told you absolutely everything I know, now, we must learn together.”

            Cody contemplated his words before saying, “So…you are a dragon, and I am…your rider?”

            “As far as I know. And I almost forgot, we will always be able to communicate with each other this way, and some other dragons and riders, only the wisest ones, are able to do the same with us, even send us dreams when we need help learning things.”

            “The only dragon alive, aside from yourself that is, is Argos, lord of the winds, and he never speaks to anyone. Although, I have received dreams, just last night I had a dream that I was on your back and we were flying around mountains somewhere really far away, and this somewhat small man told me something, but I couldn’t remember what it was. I’ve had a lot of dreams like that, ever since only about a day before I found your egg. And you were in all of these dreams, only you were much older.”

Inferno Legacy: Valor of the Dragon (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now