Part 1

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Part 1
I always knew that this day would come but i didn't know that it would hurt this much. I barely eat and drink. I never comes out of my room unless to take a shower. There was bags under my eyes and my face have become pale. I have become more skinny. I don't even go out anymore, to talk to my friends. I just lay down and cry. The day ' he ' left me was the worst day of my life. It has already been a week and I was still depressed. I remember the day we broke up,it's like it has just happened... *Flashback* " y/n plzz, you have to understand that I have always love you but I just can't take it anymore, it's just too much " Justin say as tears fall down his cheeks. " if you really do love me, you would fight for our love. I have got hate too. We can deal through it, together " I say sobbing. He came closer to me and wipe the tears away. " I'm sorry " he say softly, tears still streaming his face * End of Flashback "

I haven't heard anything about him ever since we broke up. I never really watch news about him and he never really call or text me. Something told me that he's gonna come back but he never have. My thought was interrupted by my phone ringing.

To be continued....
Hope you liked it.
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