Suga X Jungkook Pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Hyung." Jungkook says lowly, tapping on Sugas shoulder so the other members wouldn't hear him. 

"Yeah?" He replies as Jungkook drags him by the sleeve into the hallway of the dorm where they couldn't be heard. 

"Um... I need... advice." Jungkook chuckles playing with his hands awkwardly. Suga raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms leaning against the wall. 

"On?" He asks. Jungkook sighs and opens his phone, pulling up a photo of you on his back with your arms around his neck when you all went to the beach last summer. "Y/N?" Suga asks and Jungkook nods.

"I think I like her Hyung, and I want to ask her on a date." Jungkook smiles putting his phone in his back pocket. "O-oh." Suga responds, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"How do I do it? You've known her longer than me Hyung, yes she may be my age but  you know her better." Jungkook asks and Suga just shrugs. "Are you sure you like her Jungkook? Or is this just a small crush you will get over next week?" 

Jungkook's eyebrows burrow. "W-what?" He asks and Suga shakes his head. "Nothing. Let's go out and grab some food for tonight. There's a sushi market down the street." Suga points out and Jungkook's eyes light up.  "We can get her favorite! Good thinking Hyung." He says slapping Suga on the back before walking past him into the living room with the rest of the members.

Suga leans his head against the wall. 

"젠 장" He swears, closing his eyes.


"So, all the Summer shandys are for me." You say opening one and taking a sip before Jungkook tries to reach for one and you slap his hand away. "Mine! I got you and Suga, Coronas." You smile looking over at Suga who was already on his second bottle. You take the bottle from Suga's hand. "Slow down Suga, you don't want to over do it." You chuckle. Not aware of the looks Jungkook and Suga were exchanging. "Right." He says taking the bottle to the couch, turning on the tv. What was up with him?

"Hey Y/N?" You hear Jungkook's voice behind you, making you slightly jump. "Y-yes?" You ask, not getting a response. Only having him take you by the hand into the hallway where Suga could not hear or see you. 

"What's up Kookie?" You ask with a small smile, noticing how nervous he was. "I've been wanting to tell you this for a little bit... but I uh.... I like you." He smiles, turning slightly red in the face. You smile and shake your head, standing on your tippy toes to kiss him gently on the lips. The red in his face was more noticeable now as he chewed on his bottom lip.

"I guess you're cool too." You smile. "Hey!" He exclaims as you slap his chest playfully. "I'm just joking Oppa. I'm going to get my other pajamas, you can go wait with Yoongi in the meantime." You blush interlocking your fingers with his and kiss him one more time and walk towards your bedroom.

Jungkook walks back to the living room to see Yoongi staring.... no..... glaring at him. "I did it Yoongi! I think she likes me too." Jungkook pretty much fangirls. Sudden;y he found himself ducking as Yoongi throws his empty beer bottle at his head, shattering against the wall behind him.

"Hyung! What the hell! You almost took my head off!" Jungkook exclaims as Suga gets off the couch, stumbling toward Jungkook, reeking of alcohol. "How doesss it feeelllll to be the 'Golden Maknae, hehheh you think you can do or take whatever or whoooomever you want don't you?" Suga slurs his words standing close to Jungkooks face. 

"Hyung, what are you talking about?" Jungkook asks, his eyebrows burrowing as you come dashing into the living room after you heard glass shattering.

"What in the world?" You exclaim, looking at the shattered glass on the wood floor. "Herrrrrr." Suga says pointing at you. "Me?" You question seeing Yoongi bite his lip. "Jungkook stole you from me! You're mine Y/N! I want you! No one else can have you!" Suga pretty much screamed, slightly scaring you causing you to take a step back.

"Hyung, snap out of it! Calm down and take a seat--" Jungkook places a hand on Sugas shoulder only to end up on the floor, holding his cheek from Suga punching him. "Yoongi!" You exclaim covering your mouth as you see Jungkook get off the floor returning Yoongi's punch to his face, sending him onto the couch. 

"WOwww, hitting your hyung now Jungkoooook? You're so out of control." Suga chuckles wiping blood from his lip as Jungkook walks over pulling him into a tight hug, trying to calm him down from his drunken rage he was in.

Suga laughs uncontrollably, staring at you with tears running down his face before he pushes Jungkook away and yanking his mint colored hair, tears continuing to stream down his face. "It's not fair... it's not fair its not fair." He cries, slumping to his knees. 

Jungkook sits against the wall closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, looking at you as if you should do something. You chew on your lip before you walk over to Yoongi, kneeling down to his level, and placing your hand on his chin lifting his face to face you. Wet tears were streaming down his face as he tilts his head, admiring your features through his sadness and jealousy before he leans forward kissing you. 

His breath tasted of alcohol, but was also filled with passion and love as he kissed you. You pull back and pull him into a hug as he melts into your arms. "I'm here's okay." you whisper as you feel him go limp in your embrace. 

He passed out.

You feel Jungkook pick Suga off you and help him to his bedroom before returning to you rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Your eye is swelling Jungkook." You say going to reach it but Jungkook catches your hand before kissing it. "He will be better in the morning Y/N. I think it's time we wrapped it up too. We all had stuff to drink and after what happened tonight I think you have some things to think about." He smiles weakly, kissing your forehead. "Goodnight Y/N." Jungkook says returning to his room.

You stand there in the hallway before you turn off the lights and walk to your room. You pass by Sugas room where the door was open and you could see him passed out on his bed. You sigh and enter his room. You see his pale face in the moonlight as he slightly snored. You chuckle and sit on the side of the bed looking down at the man who had just mistakenly confessed his feeling to you.

God knows how long he has been keeping them in for. 

You move a piece of hair from his face and lean down, kissing him on the cheek. 

"Good night Min Yoongi." You whisper getting up and returning to your room.


- To be Continued........- 


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