Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Oh my god, he did it?"


"He really did it?!"


"He really proposed?!"


"Shut up!"

"I will so not!"

"Oh god, this is so amazing!"

Charlotte, or better known by her nickname, Charlie, hugged her best friend fiercely, not minding the fact that they were both in the former's office and were, technically speaking, on duty.

Charlie let out a contented sigh as she held Lea's hands, the one karat blue topaz gem resting atop a white gold band glistening in the light, "I can't believe this - my two best friends are getting married!"

"I know, right?" Lea gushed. "And he was so romantic about it too! You know, a candlelit dinner which he personally cooked, by the way and when we went into the bedroom to sleep, there amidst petals of roses scattered on the sheets was an opened black velvet box with the ring exposed. He got down on one knee after getting the ring and he proposed!"

"Wow," Charlie chuckled. "I never knew that Lieutenant Colonel Zachary Fuller could ever be romantic like that."

"Oh come on," Lea slapped her friend playfully on the shoulder. "He's always been romantic...just not in front of you guys!"

Charlie laughed, "I bet."

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you," Lea turned serious and Charlie tilted her head in confusion. "Would you, Charlotte Ann Seymour, ever consider becoming my maid of honor at my wedding?"

"What kind of a question is that?!" Charlie exclaimed. "Of course I'll be your maid of honor! You don't even need to ask!"

"Good," Lea couldn't stop laughing, her mossy green eyes being unusually sparkly. "I thought that you wouldn't want the position because of your hate for dresses."

"Are you kidding?" Charlie said. "I'd give in to dresses for this! This is too important, Lea!"

"Sure," Lea waved a hand in dismissal. "Even more important than your own birthday?"

"Oh please," Charlie shrugged uncaringly. "My birthday and your wedding are two very different things. And besides, since it was my birthday, I could do whatever I want which is not to wear dresses. And also, why the hell would I want to spend my time mingling with stuck-up nobles?!"

"Whatever, Charlie," Lea shook her head.

"Anyway," Charlie changed the subject. "Have you told anybody else yet?"

"Yeah, I called up my mom and brother just this morning," Lea recounted. "Mom was all ecstatic and everything. Even more than I am, I think."

"Of course, that's only natural," Charlie nodded in agreement.

"Lawrence wasn't very keen on the idea though," Lea chuckled. "He said he's gonna and I quote, 'interrogate the ass out of him'."

Charlie let out a snicker, "Well, Brigadier General Lawrence Belmont has always been the overprotective brother."

"I'll say," Lea rolled her eyes. "I just hope that Zach won't be such a coward and back out from the wedding."

"Oh please, Zach's like a famous war veteran. He's not just gonna go piss in his pants scared because of your brother, a.k.a. his superior," Charlie pointed out, arching an eyebrow.

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