I hate this

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Sakuras Pov*

At school

leave me alone would ya 'i said crying lying on the ground injured 

'now why should we' Sasuke smirked 'im not done , your annoying me ' Chuckles darkly with the rest of the gang

'i dont get it why are you doing this too me' Crying in the middle of the hallway shaking

smirks ' because your weak , and your presence dispise'd me but also ' he said the last bit with a hint of anger ' you'll be arranged to marry my brother itachi and since he hates fangirls ill lie and make him hate you and if you dont beleive me ask your parents your self .

'damn you 'sees him walking away with the gang 'it cant be true '

Sakura ditches school and runs to her parents

Sakura what are you????'her mother asked

'tell me the truth did you give me away for an arranged marriage' shes says afraid of her mums answer

'yes sakura , i did i hate looking after you so i sent you away marrying an infamous uchiha and well get a nice reward'she said proudly

'...i....how could you..?'she said almost about to break down so runs outside into the middle of town and bumps into someone

'ow ow wow wo ow ow ow'i said

'sorry about that , are you ok miss' itachi said

'oh im ok ' i said she notices it is itachi uchiha and gives him a death glare

'umm did i do somethin wrong , if i did im sorry ' itachi said emotionlessly 

'tell me do you know anything about an arranged marriage to the haruno clan' i said 

'yes my brother sasuke told me tuns out shes a fangirl , i hate them the most they only like me for my looks not for who i am'he said realizing why she asked he looks in her eyes knowin its her'your the one im arranged to you'his eyes darkened

'yes i am , and i honestly despise you uchiha especially your brother after all hes the one who did this too me just for standin up too hiim'she said taking her school blazing off making him see her cuts and brooses and scars from sasuke ' hes evil , even if you dont beleive 'glares at him 'i hate you all'

itachi's pov*

seeing her brooses and scars surprised him he didnt expect them to be from sasuke he just couldnt beleive it but  he couldd tell she was comepletely honst and broken 'umm he im sorry for...' sees her walking away ' hey WAIIIT 'he siad

'tchhh i hate this , leave me alone ' Sakura said to itachi harshly an immediantly regretted it for some reason

'.........'itachi was hurt for what she said but  he understood why but for some reason he felt a hint of rage take over him having an urge to help her but left her to walk away

Leave me alone I want to be alone (Itasaku)Where stories live. Discover now