Chapter 1: End or Beginning?

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Momonga/Ryuga: "hm?"

Momonga: "Did they push back the end? I can't open console or call GM"

Ryuga: "Interesting... very interesting."

While Momonga was freaking out trying to find out what exactly happened and why he couldn't use chat or call a GM, Ryuga was starting to piece together what is become of this situation, but even his "great" mind couldn't explain what was going to happen next.

Albedo: "My lords, is something wrong?"

Momonga's mind: "SHE TALKED?!?"

Albedo: "Lord Momonga is everything alright?"

As Albedo slowly gets closer to Momonga, Ryuga notices that her mouth is moving as she's speaking, she's starting to blush, her scent is quite strong, and what was that green light over Momonga?

Momonga: "The GM call isn't working."

Albedo:" Forgive this ignorant one but I do not understand what this 'GM call' you're talking about is. Please forgive me."

Momonga: "It is fine Albedo, you're forgiven."

Ryuga's Mind: "Eh, screw it, let's see if this works."

Ryuga: "Sebas, confirm the surroundings of Nazarick."

Sebas: "Yes my lord."

Ryuga's mind: "As I thought, this seemed a little too real to be a game."

As Ryuga was giving the maids orders to secure the 9th floor of Nazarick he hears a little moan in the background. As he turns around a sight is burned into his eyes that he can never forget.

Ryuga: *cough* "Momonga, would you please stop fondling Tabula's NPC?"

Momonga: "uh-yes sorry I wanted to find out if we could do +18 actions in this, I was correct."

Ryuga: "Albedo please gather the floor guardians to the 6th floor for a meeting ,except the giant rock golem and the brain looking angel."

Albedo: "As you wish, Lord Ryuga."

With that Albedo gracefully leaves to gather the guardians as Momonga is dumbfounded at how calm Ryuga is being about this situation. Ryuga starts to ponder whether he can use magic in this new world, and also how the other NPCs will react.

Ryuga: "I think we should head to the 6th floor to test some theories out. First let's try to use the guild ring."

Momonga: "All right"

They both successfully use the ring and start walking out to the amphitheater. As they arrive they are greeted by Aura Bella Fiore and her brother, Mare. While Ryuga is pondering why Chagma would make a trap for an NPC, Momonga tested out his magic with his staff and summoned a Primal Fire Elemental for the twins to fight. Upon seeing this Ryuga decides to run a test of his own.

Ryuga's mind: I wonder if [Message] would work.

Ryuga: [Momonga can you hear me?]

Momonga: [huh? this works? that's useful]

Ryuga then decides to message Sebas about the outside. Sebas tells Ryuga that it has changed drastically; with that Ryuga orders Sebas to report to the 6th floor and join the meeting to relay his information.

As the twins destroy the Primal Fire Elemental they run up to Momonga and he congratulates them. He then pours them both some water that he grabbed out of his void inventory.

Aura: "I thought you two would be much scarier in person."

Momonga: "Would you like me to be more scary?"

Aura: "No, this is better, this is best." *smiles largely*

Ryuga almost smiles at how cheerful Aura is.

Ryuga: "Aura, Mare. The other floor guardians will be arriving shortly for a meeting. I expect you to be on your best behavior."

Aura: "eh? Is Shalltear coming too?"

As she says this a [Gate] opens near them and out of it steps forth a true vampire, the perv's creation. A young girl of short stature with an elegant dress and pale looking skin.

???: "Oh, am I the first one?"

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