10 Years Later/ Epilogue

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"Mommy, daddy is trying to play soccer in the house again!" Sophie yelled running towards me.

I picked her up in my arms and sat her on my hip. I walked into the living room to find my husband kicking a ball around.

"Luke! What did I tell you about playing ball in the house?! You're worse than a child some days." I said shaking my head.

He stopped kicking the ball and smiled when he saw me and Sophie. Still after 10 years that smile made me have butterflies in my stomach.

It's 10 years later and Luke and I are 27 years old. Were married and have a beautiful daughter Sophie. Luke wants a son and has been begging a lot lately. Sophie is 4 and we want her to have a sibling to play with. We can say from experience that being an only child can get boring at times.

We got married after college. We both attend the same college and Luke now is a architect. He's very good at what he does and I'm proud of him. I got a degree in nursing but I've been a stay at home mom since Sophie was born. I don't mind though. I love staying home and looking after her.

"Hey Sophie why don't you go play Barbies upstairs?" Luke asked.

Sophie squealed as I let her down and ran up to her room. Luke came over and placed his hands on my hips. He always enjoyed having his alone time with me.

"How's my sexy wife doing?"

I giggled as he picked me up and headed to the couch. He placed me on his lap. This has always been Luke's favourite place for me to be. I couldn't complain because I liked it too.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Luke asked.

"Nothing I was just thinking how amazing my life is now and how much I love you."

"I love you too babe."

"I was thinking back to those 10 years ago. It honestly feels like a whole lifetime ago. I never imagined back then that my life would be like this."

Luke pecked me on the lips making me smile even more.

"I never imagined my life this way either. Everything is so perfect. Before I met you I was so lost. We helped each other so much and we still do today."

Luke always knew what to say. He knew how to make me smile and fall in love with him even more each day. He was the perfect husband and perfect father. He was nervous about having Sophie but the moment he saw her I knew she was always going to be his little princess. I couldn't think what my life would be like if I hadn't met Luke. I wouldn't be this happy that's for sure.

"Luke you want to know something?" I asked.

"What is it?" He asked smiling.

"You're my saving grace."


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