Getting Kicked Out

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After eating lunch with Luke and his mom it was about time that school was over so I headed back over to my house to find the house empty. I felt relived. I honestly wouldn't mind if my dad never came back and I lived alone.

I went up to my room to have a shower to wash the worries of today away. Once I got out of the shower I felt so relaxed for once. I decided to start supper and I figured I should make enough for two in case dad came back home. I made supper and ate it then there was knock at the door. Who would be knocking on the door at this time?

I opened I door to be surprised with the face of... Ryan? What the hell did he want.

Ryan was my ex boyfriend who treated me like shit like everyone else in my life. We only dated for 6 months before I realized how much of an idiot he was. Although we only dated for a short period of time, Ryan has been the only person that I've been in a serious relationship with.

"Hey babe" Ryan slurred

"Ryan are you drunk?" I asked. I couldn't believe he was showing up at my door drunk.

"Nah I'm fine I only had like 2 beers" he stumbled in the door and walked over to the living room.

"What do you want?" I stood in front of him with my arms crossed.

"Come on Shyy I'm horny and I could really use your help" he slurred.

"What the hell Ryan you know I don't do that shit!"

I was starting to get pissed at him. He knew I was a virgin and I planned on staying one for awhile yet. It might not have meant anything to him, but it meant a lot to me.

He grabbed my hair and yanked me down on the couch, I screamed from the pain as he got on top of me.

"You're going to enjoy this babe" he said with a smirk, all I could smell was the alcohol coming off his breath it made me want to be sick.

I screamed for help as he was trying to remove my pants.

"Someone help! Rape!" I screamed.

"Shut up bitch! he slapped my face.

He was about to start unbuttoning his pants when someone came from behind him and ripped him off of me. I quickly pulled my pants back up and jumped off the couch. The person got on top of Ryan and started punching him in the face repeatedly. Then I realized it was Luke!

Once Ryan was unconscious he got up and rushed over to me.

"Holy shit Skyy are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-yea. I'm okay now. Thank you Luke"

He came over and gave me a hug and it felt so good to be in someone's arms comforting me it felt like forever.

"Who is that guy?" Luke asked.

"My ex-boyfriend. How did you find me?"

He let go of me and I felt alone all of the sudden. He looked down at me.

"I was going for my nightly run and I noticed your door wide open then I heard you screaming so I came to see what was going on".

"Oh, well thank you, I am so grateful you came to save me".

"It's fine, now I'm going to take out this piece of trash". Luke said.

"Thank you again."

I watched as Luke drug Ryan out of the house and left him in the drive way for when he woke up. He locked the door afterwards.

"So where are your parents?" Luke asked as we headed up to my room.

"Uhm they're out tonight, something for work" I lied.

He just nodded as we made it in my room. I laid down on the bed feeling exhausted. Luke sat at the edge of my bed and looked around my room.

"You can go home if you want Luke I'm probably just going to go to sleep, I'm exhausted".

"I don't feel safe leaving you here I will just wait until you are asleep then I'll leave and make sure that asshole is gone, okay?".

"Okay, I'm just gonna change and then I'll be right back.

I changed in my bathroom and found Luke lying on my bed asleep, he must have been tired too. I laughed and pulled the blankets over us and went to sleep. Dad probably wouldn't be home for a couple nights he went missing like this all the time.

When I woke up in the morning I turned over to see that Luke was gone. He must have had to go get ready for school or he woke up after I feel asleep. I showered and walked down into the kitchen to get breakfast where I found dad looking really mad. Did he see Luke?

"You little whore, who was that asshole sneaking out of my house this morning?" He came up to me and slapped me in the face.

I backed up a few steps and held my face and tried to hide the tears, crying made him even more mad.

"He's just a friend dad".

He snorted "bullshit your probably fucking him along with every other boy in your school, you cheap little whore, get out of my house. You're probably pregnant!"

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore they started pouring out. He drug me by my hair and threw me onto the doorstep and slammed the door.

Great now I was homeless and I couldn't even get my clothes or my phone.

I decided to walk over to Luke's house to see if he wanted a drive to school I still had my car at least. I knocked and waited for the door to open. As it opened I was shocked to see Luke with a black eye and then I knew dad saw him and he was responsible for his black eye.

"Oh shit Luke, I am so sorry. My dad did that to you didn't he?"

The tears started pouring out and I couldn't stop them. Now Luke was going to hate me too. He surprisingly pulled me into a hug and started rubbing my back soothing me.

"It's okay Sky I'm fine it's looks worse than it is, I do think you have some explaining to do though."

I nodded and he led me into his house. His parents must have been at work. He sat on the couch and sat me down on his lap. I curled up and nuzzled my head into his chest as he moved his hands in circle motions, it was actually really comforting. After I calmed down I moved off his lap and sat beside him. He still had a hold of my hand rubbing his thumb over my hand. I think it was just as comforting to him as it was to me because he wouldn't stop.

I took a deep breath

"Okay, so are you ready to hear my messed up story that's called my life?"

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