In an alternate universe...(gumlee)

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Hi. This is my first Gumlee fanfic and I hope u guys like it.


Marshall P.O.V.

*alarm clock ringing*

*the smash of alarm clock being hit*

As I slowly lift my head from the not so soft mattress the first thing I see is my black backpack slouched on my dark wood desk chair. With a groan, I slam my head back onto the hard mattress. Unfortunately, today is the first day of school.

Hi. My name's Marshall Lee. I'm 16 years old and about to begin my horrid year of grade 10. All my life I've grown up in Pendleton Ward. Its rather large and is split into two sides; the candy side and the night side. No, the candy side is not made out of candy and the night side does not have eternal night. The candy side consists of royally spoiled brats who always get what they want and have never missed a meal (trust me you can tell). They are forever happy and are a bunch of fluff heads.

Then there is the night side. I grew up on this side and not because I'm poor... because I'm not. The night side people aren't as rich as the candy people but we are happy with what we got. Unlike the candy people we are not suffering from obesity and we aren't all fun and games. I'm guess I'm what you could call the king of the night side. everyone knows me and everyone respects me even though I'm younger then over half the population.

Well, anyways, in the town of Pendleton Ward there are two elementary schools, one for the night side and one for the candy side. Unfortunately, there is only one arts high school shared between candy side and nights side, AAA. Get one thing straight, I love music and just because the school has candy heads in it doesn't mean I'm not going to that school. I applied and I got in. This will be my second year going there.

I let out a groan as all the blood rushes to my head. Once my room stops spinning I slowly get out of bed and throw my pillow from the floor onto my bed. As I look at my unmade bed I deicide that it will have to wait till tomorrow to be made. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans, boxers, socks, a black t-shirt and my favorite red and black flannel.

I throw on my clothes, walk over to my mirror and pause. My hair...I quickly comb my fingers through my hair, shake my head and push my hair out my eyes. Good enough. I grab my black backpack and my axe bass on my way out of my bed room. I head down the stairs take an apple to go, grab my keys and slip on my black vans.

As I open the door blinding light hits me and I back track into the house to grab my Ray ban sunglasses. My eyes, and my skin, are extremely delicate to sunlight. I lock the door behind me, take a bite out of my apple and make my way towards a new year at high school.

Here I come...



I'm Rachel.

I hope u enjoyed the first chapter. if u have any questions just comment and I'll respond. pls vote


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