Niomi’s point of view.

I floated up to the bed were Airi was and sat down. I looked at her still body. I touched her forehead. I closed my eyes and concentrated. What is my family doing right-? Then nothing. “A block! At least I got in to her mind. But what is causing the block? Is it because we have the same magic or is it a problem in her life?” I questioned myself.

“You’ve always been a bit of a sticky beck haven’t you?” I heard Miss Ruka say. (Miss Ruka is the nurse).

“Yes I have. Miss Ruka the problem seems to be an issue in her life, that or I can’t read people’s minds when they have the same power.” I told Miss Ruka.

“I don’t think it’s your power that’s wrong sweetie.” She replied...

“Well whatever it is it must be deep.” I quoted.

“Well the best thing for her is some rest, when she wakes up give me a call.”

She walked into another room. “I wonder?” I said to myself. I need to know her secrets. Wait, didn’t Aharu have some kind of secret… “Oh hang on could you take this to your mu, I mean your sensei please?”  I could have sworn she was going to say mum… I’ll have to do some digging.

“Oh, hello who are you?” I heard a sweet voice say.

I looked down. Airi was awake.

“Oh you’re awake, I’m Naomi shika.” I said “Mrs Ruka she’s awake.”

“Ok coming.” shouted Ruka.

“I feel much better now can I go?” Airi said.

“Oh, well I think I should ring your parents and tell them.” Replied Mrs Ruka.

“Oh well… I don’t think they would understand the whole magic thing.” Airi admedeatly replied.

“Well ok, you may leave, as long as you’re feeling ok.” Said Mrs Ruka.

Airi jumped off the bed and landed on her feet, her knees didn’t jolt. That’s odd I said to myself. She walked out of the room and stopped in the doorway.

“Could you please help me? She asked politely.

“Sure” I replied.

I flouted of the bed landing nicely on the floor. I walked to where she was standing and turned left.

“Class is this way” I said as I showed her the way…

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