Chapter 3 "Confession"

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Luna's POV

The following days were nice. It was always good to be back at Hogwarts. I went to the forest almost everyday to feed the Thestrals, my dream was to become a Zoologist when I grew up. I explored the grounds and enjoyed the classes. Not everything was good, though. I hadn't spoken to Harry again after my arrival at Hogwarts, but I couldn't help to almost unconsciously look at his direction whenever I saw him. There was something special about him, I could feel it, but I didn't know what.

We also had this new teacher, who was really mean to Harry and gave him detention just for saying the truth. I felt sorry for him, he must have been very brave to speak of Cedric again. Everyone else also whispers about him and say bad things to him. How could someone so good be hated so much? So, one day as I made my way out of Herbology, I saw him and his friends. This was my chance to tell him that I supported him and everything he did. I couldn't help but feel excited, feeling my eyes widen more than usual.

"I believe He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back, and I believe you fought him and escaped from him," I blurted out.

There was a silence, in which Harry stared at me perplexed, his eyes fixed on me. "Er...right," he finally said.

Right after, two girls started laughing. I knew it was because of what I had just said and the way Harry answered me. Did he think I was a freak like everyone else?

"You can laugh!" I raised my voice. "But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blubbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack!"

"Well, they were right, weren't they?" The girl with bushy hair said. "There were no such things as the Blubbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack."

I was really mad now, I had got the courage to tell Harry that I supported him and it went horribly wrong. I felt angry and sad at the same time. I turned away and made my way towards the castle.

"But, can you please not scare away people who believe me?" I heard Harry say to the girl from behind me.   I calmed down. At least Harry thought it was nice of me. But why did it pleased me so much that he did? What was that thing I felt in my stomach every time he looked at me? I had never felt that before. Why did I like being around him? I guess I would never know.

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