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Yoonbyul's POV


Upon hearing his voice, I smile like the Grinch during Christmas. "Hyun!" I ran to his open arms and he laughed. I hugged him tightly, my tiny arms wrapping around his large torso. Everyone present in the room except Taeyong stared at us, bewildered. I looked at Taeyong and waved my hand over, signaling him to come over and join our hug. My childhood best friend chuckled before making his way to us and embracing us both. Pulling from the guy, I squeal loudly. That was before my eyes landed on the boy from before, Donghyuk.

"Donghyuk?" I questioned and then everyone looked at us even more confused. "Yoonbyul? Why are you here?" He asked, looking around. "I'm Yongie's and Hyun's childhood best friend." I explained, him mumbling an 'oh'. "Wait. Hold up. How do you know Donghyuk?" Taeyong inquired and I told him we met when he was getting picked on by older boys. "By who?" He pressed in further, wanting to know the full details. I mumble quietly, "Hyojung." Taeyong and Jaehyun's eyes harden, their jaws clenching and unclenching. "Him." Jaehyun gruffly said and I nodded. "He still hasn't told anyone right?" Taeyong asked, irritated as hell at the mention of him. "Nope." I popped the 'p'.

I could feel 7 pairs of eyes on me and it was then I realized I didn't know who these young boys are. "Yongie and Hyun! Introduce me to everyone else!" I whined, wanting to get to know these fine boys. "Guys, introduce yourselves." Taeyong spoke like a true leader. "Hello. I'm Taeil, the oldest out of everyone." A short guy with chestnut hair said and bowed. "I'm Yuta!" A Japanese looking guy said. "I'm Johnny, nice to meet you young lady." Another guy came up to me and flirted, taking my hand in his to kiss. "Now, now Johnny. Don't flirt with every girl you see." Taeyong hissed in a 'polite' manner, taking my hand into his. I blushed a bright red, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm Jungwoo." A baby-looking guy said and I ran to him, cupping his cheeks in my hands. "You're such a cutie!" I exclaimed making him blush. Taeyong pulled me from him, giving a short, "He's my baby!" I argue back as well, "Well now he's my baby too!" I internally uwu'ed at Jungwoo as everyone face palmed at us. "Then we can both baby him." Taeyong suggests and I gulp, stuttering out, "Like p-parents?" After realizing what I said, Taeyong and I start madly blushing. "Okay lovebirds you can both baby Jungwoo and WinWin okay?" A guy who looks a lot like a bunny said. "I'm Doyoung by the way." I nodded, curious of who 'WinWin' is. "Hi! I'm WinWin!" A cute guy said. I gasped and ran to him as well, enveloping him into a motherly hug. "I. Love. You." He smiled and giggled and Taeyong had to pull me again.

"I'm gonna have to trap you like this." My best friend said, trapping me in a back hug as I blushed a bright red one more time. Everyone laughed at me and I pouted, looking up at Taeyong. He flashed his infamous smile and I couldn't help but melt for him. "Well last but not least, I'm Mark!" The rude guy from earlier stated cutely and I awed at him. "Why is everyone here so cute?! This is so unfair to me." I pouted once more, snuggling into Taeyong's warmth. "Well I have to ask Yoonbyul something, so be right back!" Taeyong suddenly announces and starts to drag me away but Yuta said something that made him blush. "What? You gonna ask her to be your girlfriend or something?"

He hurriedly dragged me to a room and opened the door to reveal a room with two queen-sized beds on either side of the area, a wide wooden desk placed in between both beds. He made me sit on one of the beds which I assume is his. "What did you wanna ask me?" I asked curiously after Taeyong sat next to me, his thigh pressed to mine. "I actually wanted to tell you something." He nervously said and I worried something was wrong. "What is it?" I asked worried as hell. "Ummm.. Yoonbyul-ah." Uh-oh, he never calls me Yoonbyul directly unless it's something important. "I-...I love you okay? I have for a very long time. I understand if you don't re-" He was cut off by a sweet kiss being placed onto his lips. I leaned into him, kissing him deeper. He was surprised for a while before he eventually kissed back, cupping my small face in his large hands.

The kiss was sweet and passionate. My hands fly to Taeyong's hair and get tangled in them, my fingers playing with his silver curls. We pull apart for air, looking into each other's eyes before immediately kissing again. It soon turned into a makeout session, his tongue prodding my bottom lip. He gently nibbles on it and I allow him entrance to my mouth, our tongues battling for dominance. He eventually won anyway and explored my cavern. We pulled away and took large amounts of oxygen into our lungs. We looked at each other and laughed at our appearances. Our lips were red and swollen, our hair was a mess. We laid backwards onto the mattress and Taeyong got on top of me. "I love you Yoonbyul. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me to which I smiled and nodded. My boyfriend kissed my forehead and then my lips. He crashed besides me afterwards, spooning me with my back pressed against his chest. I snuggled into him backwards and he groaned. I shifted around to face him and glanced at him, "What's wrong?" "Don't do that." Taeyong growled, his arms around me tightening. "Do what?" I ask innocently and clueless as to what I was doing. He gets up and hovers over me. I accidentally glance at his crotch and I notice his huge bulge. "Oh.. haha, woops?" I nervously laugh before shrieking loudly making him smirk.

"It's time to play babygirl."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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