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"Screech goes the chair~"

Dragging the chair behind me, I place it in the middle and sit on it. Aww, poor guy. He became one of my victims.

"It's alright sweetheart. I'll give you a nice, slow, torturous death." I exclaimed dragging the chair nearer. The victim whimpered, afraid for his life. "Simon Says stop whimpering." I chirped happily and immediately, the man stopped whimpering . "Ahh so the child inside you still lives!" The glint in my eyes lit up even more brightly than before.

"Simon says stand up!" I barked as the man stood up in a second, ignoring the pain and tiredness he felt. "Simon says jump!" The victim starts jumping on the spot, gradually getting tireder and tireder. "Stop jumping." I commanded but he didn't stop, cautious of me not mentioning 'Simon Says' before my order. I pout, he's a clever fella. Not much fun for me then. Oh well maybe he'll break loose soon.

I smirked, barking another command, "Simon says stop jumping and keep spinning." I lean forward, my elbows resting on my knees while my hands fold under my chin. After a bit, the helpless fellow started getting dizzy. "Oh is someone finally going to break?" The man falls on the ground, hands bound together by ropes. "Tsk, tsk. You broke too soon. I was only getting started!" I sadly commented, a small pout forming on my pink lips. "Well, time to get to work."

Helpless, tired, hungry. The man sat there, accepting his fate and reality and did nothing to fight back. He closed his eyes, feeling the defeat overtake his body. I grabbed a screwdriver from the table of tools and walked to the victim.

"Sorry but this is my pleasure." I shrugged my shoulders and stood in front of the man. I drive the screwdriver through his thigh, digging it in deep. He screams loudly in pain, yet it was muffled by the cloth clasped tightly around his mouth. I pulled out the weapon out from his thigh, blood dripping like waterfalls from the gaping hole in his thigh.

I shoved the screwdriver into another part of his thigh once again, twisting and turning it as if I were sharpening a pencil. Tears flow down the man's cheeks, screams of pain muffled into the cloth. I remove the screwdriver in his thigh and bring out another tool. I twirl the tool and stalk back to the bloody man. His blood continues to flow out of his body, his face turning pale.

"I'm bored now. I'll just finish you off with this." I stated and enjoyed the look of fear and defeats in his eyes. I inspected the large hammer, shiny and large. It looks ready to break some bones. I slowly drag the hammer along his body, choosing which bone to smash first. "I'll just break your hands first!" I told the man, lifting the hammer and hitting it hard onto his tied wrists and hands.

The cracking of bones brought me great satisfaction. The man yells out very loudly, almost alerting any people waking by. "Oh no no no no. We can't let anyone know what's happening right now, can we? I'll just have to finish you off for good quicker." I grumble and frown, the mask on my face moving along with my frown.

"Goodbye dear one." I smirk as I lift hammer, ready to deliver the final blows. I bring the heavy tool down to his head, repeatedly smashing his skull in. The last expression he could muster was one of fear which I loved. I pant as I exerted a lot of strength to use the hammer. I pack up my tools, leaving the smashed up body to rot and decompose. Before leaving, I go up to a wall and grab the red spray paint.

After spraying on the last words, I carry my bag of tools out of the room. A corpse, a chair and a part of the wall with 'Simon Says' and 'Real Vibe Killer' residing on it being left behind as I smirk under my mask with satisfaction.

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