Peter Parker (Christmas)

Start from the beginning

"Everything's fine.... He's fine, they're fine, everything's going to be alright..." You mutter. You continue to breathe deeply, eventually you're calm, and end up falling asleep on the couch.

You wake up at 3:00 in the morning to 5 missed phone calls and a few unread texts. You go to answer the messages when something stops you, a sudden sound hits your ears from the darkness of the back rooms. Someone else was in your house. You were frozen as you heard slow quiet footsteps making their way to the living room. They shuffled along the wood floor as if the one walking had a slight limp, they pause for a second and you hear them let out a heavy breath. You were frozen, you wanted run to the front door and get out of there, or at least grab something to arm yourself. Your heart pounds in your ears as your nails dig into the couch.

"Yn? What are you doing up at this hour?" His voice was familiar yet hoarse.

"Oh my... Oh my god! Peter!" You fling yourself from your spot and latch onto him, your nails dig into his spider suit as you hold him tightly, refusing to let go. He winces slightly under your embrace as if the contact had hurt him. Tears linger in your eyes as you bury your face into him, he wraps his arms around you softly. "Wh-where have you been?! I've been so worried- you didn't return any of my messages! It was like you fell off the face of the earth!!"

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Stark needed me for a mission... I didn't think it would of taken so long to complete..."

"Why didn't you tell me you were going?" He clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck a bit flustered.

"I... I didn't want you to worry... guess that didn't work... heh."

"Of course that wasn't going to work!! You know for someone who's so smart, you can be a real dumbass sometimes! Peter, I would have preferred that you'd of told me that you were going somewhere!" You sigh heavily. "Listen, I'd be worried either way, but at least I get some comfort knowing you'll be back at some point if you did tell me..." you pull back from him a bit and look at his face, he was still wearing his mask. You could tell parts of it were damaged. "Take your mask off, I want to see your face."

"Oh- um. I-I don't think you should..."

"Peter..." he goes quiet. You gently slide up his mask, the first thing you see is his busted and swollen bottom lip, you pause slightly when you see it, making your movements slower as you try to gently remove the mask. His nose had a large scab across the bridge and his left eye was bruised and swollen, his usually fluffy brown hair was slightly matted and greasy, the remnants of some form of debris still cling to a few strands. "Oh... Peter..." you breath.

"It will be gone soon!" He tries to reassure. "My healing factor will fix all of it!"

"Healing factor or not, I'm cleaning you up. Go take a shower and I'll help you patch up when you're done."

"I can take care of it myself, Yn. You don't have to-"

"I wasn't asking."

When all's said and done you go to him, a bottle of peroxide and a first aid kit in hand. He's sitting on the toilet lid in his boxers and seemed a bit flustered by the situation. He's got scrapes and bruises all along his legs, chest, and arms. You immediately get to work cleaning and patching.

"The house looks really nice." He mutters, trying to start up a conversation. You'd usually go quiet when focusing. "the decorations are pretty. When is Christmas anyway? I lost track of time."

"Tomorrow." You sigh, his face goes slightly pale.

"Wait, i-it is?" You nod. "I... don't have a gift for you, please don't be mad." You chuckle lightly, a small smile on your lips.

"You being here is more than good enough. You're home and you're alive. You may be a little scuffed up- but I lost the receipt so I can't return you." You say with a giggle, he smiles. "But hey, you being home is the best present I could get this year." You peck him on the lips. "So don't worry about it."

"But I know you got me something, so now I feel guilty."

"Then it will be a birthday present instead of a Christmas one. You can wait a few months right?" He laughs lightly.

"Yeah, I think I can." You kiss his forehead.

"Good. Now get dressed. I'm going to make up some cocoa and set up a movie, I don't know about you, but I'm too awake to go back to bed."

"Heh, yeah. I'll join you in a second." You head to the kitchen, preparing the cocoa as you text May and Ned back to let them know the situation. As the drinks heat up you start to play "The Nightmare before Christmas"on the tv. Peter comes out dressed in a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt, plopping himself down on the couch with a tried smile. "You coming?" He yawns.

"Yep." You head over and hand him his cocoa. He inhaled the scent of the hot drink deeply.

"Thanks." He smiles, taking a small sip. You grab a blanket and nuzzle up next to him on the couch, a content smile on your lips. He wraps an arm around you and attempts to pull you closer, he kisses the top of your head. "Merry Christmas, Yn." He says against you, you smile.

"Merry Christmas, Peter..."

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