When It Happened (Part 2)

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Oof, sorry guys for not updating in a while school has kinda got me so yeah here's the second part of When It Happened so this part is literally the same as the first one just in Catra's POV okay okay too much talking let's get into it!

Catra's POV

So my first period is Math and my second is Chemistry. I love science chemistry anything to do with chemicals! I have a really big passion for it. When I was little I used to play with chemistry sets that were for like 14+ and now I'm super advanced in that stuff.  So yeah, but lately I've been kind of........distracted, I guess.

So there's this girl named Adora and I think that name is lovely. I love it so much. And Adora herself is just so........so..........so beautiful and I don't know, it's to much to put into words. But I'm to shy to actually talk to her, so I just sit and stare, at lunch at least since we have like no classes together.

So I'm in second period right now and I can't focus.
What is the mass of a rectangular prism that has the volume of 5 x 5 x 17 x 17?
Let's see so first you multiply 5 by 5 and then 17 by 17 and then put those together with multiplication, right? So let's see 17 x 17 is like.......Gosh Adora is so beautiful. Wait no! I need to focus! 17 x 17 is...........I wish Adora and I had the same classes, that would be amazing! What am I thinking! Stop it Catra you need to F-O-C-U-S! Stop thinking about Adora! She doesn't like you! At least not like that. Okay 17 x 17 is.........289! Finally! I got it! Okay now 5 x 5 which I already know is Adora. No! Stop! Stop thinking about her!

Teacher: Alrighty class, that's the end of my timer so it's time to pack up.

I start packing up my stuff when this boy comes up to me and has quite a few voice cracks as he talks to me.

"Hey, I'm Bow would you like to sit with my friends and I tomorrow at lunch?"



That was weird.

Time Skip

So I'm walking into the cafeteria, and I'm loo-

There she is~

She's yelling at that boy who offered me a seat at their table tomorrow.

Oh no, she saw me staring!

I blush and look away quickly. Then I hear some yelling again this draws my attention. I look back in that direction and it's Adora, again. I'm blushing extremely hard and so is she, God Adora is like an Angel! Wait what am I thinking? I have no classes with her and plus I don't even like her. Okay! She is just a friend interest. I cannot have a crush on someone I don't even know! I end up not even eating because I keep self scolding. Anyway it's time for 3rd period. I just got a schedule change, I mean I asked for one period to change and then they change my entire end of the day! It's so stupid!

Anyway, I have art for 3rd period now. So time to go there.


There's my que. I'm running to class cause, why not? So I'm almost there thank god because I have like almost one minute left to get to class.

Run, Run, Run Catra! You can make it! Maybe Adora is in art!

I made it! Okay so I go in and there's the teacher sitting a-


There she is. Sitting so peacefully. She's so beautiful.

Teacher: How may I help you?

"Ah yes, Hi I'm Catra I'm new to this class. I just got a schedule change."

Teacher: Alright then let me see your schedule, please.

I hand her my schedule and as I wait my eyes immediately go to Adora. She's just sitting there, drawing. You can see the graceful movements of her hand. God she's so beautiful! How did go-

The teacher interrupts my thoughts.

Teacher: Okay then just let me introduce you to the class and find you a seat, okay?


She introduces me and Adora doesn't look up until she hears my name. Then the teacher says,

Teacher: Adora! Where's Adora?! Oh there she is. Adora raise your hand!

She raises her hand and the teacher tells me to go sit next to her.

I almost choke.

I said "Okay." and walked over next to Adora.

I sit down next to her and she blushes really hard I end up blushing super hard to.

Then after like 5 minutes she says "Hey I'm Adora."

I responded and said "Hi I'm Catra." I say it so lightly I doubt she can hear me. We work for about 10 minutes more and then I hear her say with a slight stutter,
"Y-your art looks g-great."

I smile and blush suuuuuuuuuuuper hard, and say "Thank you." in a louder voice before then I say "I-I like your name." She's blushing again, but harder than before, then she says "Thank you~" She says it so flirty though, this makes me blush super duper hard, but I hide it with my messy hair.

After that little session, we continue working. Except you'd think it's over but no. We catch each other looking at each other does that make sense like when I looked over at her she would look at me too.

Time Skip

So it's 7th period and I FREAKING HAVE ALL OF MY LAST 5 FREAKING 5 PERIODS WITH ADORA!!! I'm DYING!!! I can't EEEEEEVEEEEN!!!!!! Anyway I'm being introduced to this new class for the 5 millionth time. I sit next to Adora in all the classes literally. And so I ended up giving her my number.

Time Skip

I get home finish my homework, take a shower eat the dinner that my mom left for me since she's working late to night. and by then it's 10:00 PM, I'm about to go to bed when I get a message.

It's Adora~ She said "Good Night, and I hope you sleep well!"

I text her back right away! I tell her "I hope you do too, see you tomorrow!"

Bro how basic is that?! I'm so STUPID! But the urgency to text her telling her 'good night love~' was so much I had to "restrain" myself from texting her that.

I go to bed and fall asleep.

God Adora is so beautiful~

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