"I love you Draco," Harry whispers out. It takes a minute, but Draco gives a small "I love you too" before they both drift off to sleep.
Harry gazes down at Draco's relaxed, sleeping form. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips upon seeing his little baby completely content in his sleep. Draco hadn't been sleeping well lately and Harry could see the toll it was taking on him, though, all he could do was offer his support and affection. Something Draco had been dodging lately.

Draco's eyes fluttered open and he was greeted with Harry's soft smile. A sleepy smile of his own crept onto his face without his consent, making Harry's even bigger.

"G'morning love," Harry softly voices, putting all his love and adoration behind those words. Draco realizes his mistake too late. His smile turns into a frown and when Harry leans down to kiss his forehead like he does every morning, Draco dodges it, stumbles out an excuse of needing the loo, and practically runs to the bathroom across the hall.

Stupid Draco. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You can't let your affections get in the way, you can't start acting worthless now. Don't be selfish Draco, you need to let him go. Draco silently berates himself only succeeding in shattering his own heart and making tears fall from his eyes. A knock startles him out of his thoughts.

"Hey baby, are you okay in there?" Harry softly calls out in concern. He was standing outside the door anxiously, awaiting a response. He was stiff and rigid, his muscles locking into place. His brows were furrowed, a crease forming between them, his face scrunched in concentration.

"I-I'm okay," the voice was soft and wobbly, but it eased some of Harry's tension. He visibly relaxed, though only slightly, and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Narcissa chooses that moment to walk out of her room. She sees Harry outside of the closed door, looking hurt, confused, frustrated and relieved all at once. She assesses the scene and decides to pad silently over to Harry.

"What is it hun? You look...stressed," it was an understatement she knew, but she couldn't very well say "you look like a wreck of emotions and you need help" and expect a friendly, positive response now could she?

Harry lets out a stressed sigh, "there's something going on with Draco and he won't tell me what," Harry whispers out, aware that Draco would be able to hear him if they talked in normal tones. Said boy was, indeed, pressing his ear against the door, but wasn't able to make out the hushed whispering.

Draco juts out his lower lip in a pout and lets a soft huff pass through his lips. He spins around on his heel and pads his way to the shower, twisting the knobs until the water is at the perfect temperature. He gets undressed, his clothes being haphazardly dropped on the ground, and delicately steps into the shower, closing the curtain behind him.

"You need to talk to him," Narcissa scolds Harry in a motherly tone. Harry rolls his eyes.

"That's what I've been trying to do!" He furiously whispers back, having enough of this conversation already. Harry just wants to completely invade Draco's privacy and go into the bathroom, especially after he heard the shower turn on. Of course he only wants to go in to talk to his baby...just talk.

Upon seeing that Harry's thoughts were....elsewhere, Narcissa looks up at the ceiling and lets out an exasperated breath, praying to Merlin that she will have strength to handle all of this drama. Harry was staring intently at the door now, as if that was going to make it magically fly off its hinges so that he could get a peak at his baby boy. After snapping her fingers in front of Harry's face a few times and coming up with no response, Narcissa lets out a grumble and stomps downstairs. That's the last time I try to help that boy. He's hopeless when it comes to understanding Draco. He's just gonna have to figure it out himself! She thinks indignantly, throwing in a few curses muttered under her breath at the end.

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