Reality over the dream

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In the sober darkness of the firmament

Lied down my sorrow, hidden, disguised of melancholy

Oblivion of my vagrant soul

After all this trail, it forgot to look up 

In that ineffable space of the non-existent

Your wings  were opened, perpetually

They were custodying me

Long trips to hell and heaven

My spirit stayed in -sed non satiata-

I ripped apart with my nails, every milimmeter of my skin

I took out my eyes and   to my bones I pulverized

My organs I crushed them one by one

And inside my heart I found what was always there:

The Ancient Love

Powdered and dying, the reason for my trances

To Search and find, find You

In every life, you're the reason for my existence

Our little game of childs

The game we created when we were just

Vestige, drops of light into a reality that has never existed

I hold into you, my partner of tears and solace dances

I have found you, my spectrum, my virgin angel

Between your legs and breasts I sink

And I surrender to the most sordid or splendid intention of you

Because this is the love we have created

We desired it so much  that in the consequences

Died our virtues

And they were reborn

Since from love comes all the beauty

Just as I killed you, you've destroyed me

In your white blood lies my sin

And in the red of mine your virtue.

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