Rawr Means I Love You In Dinosaur- Bruce Banner love story

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Have you ever been in so much pain, you wished you could die???

Could crumble up into a massive pile of dust and just disappear into the breeze?

You have, have you?

Well do me a favor and close your eyes and try and imagine what it felt like, how much you wanted to scream and die.

Now take that pain, and multiply it by 50.

Imagine being the person having to endure that, eh?

Well that person was me.

I was subjected to the experimentation of my the mad group of individuals who called themselves my parents.

Granted they were my actual parents, I rather decided bit to tarnish my family and heritage with my life and instead smudged out myself from the family tree.

My mom was a world renowned zoologist that stayed mainly in the field of archeology. She was an odd person, who pretended that everything in life was okay, but was slowly beginning to be pushed over the edge of sanity, and become incorporated into the life of insanity.

My father however was a gruff and stout man, proud and not afraid to voice his opinions, despite the fact that most of his ideas turned tout to be total loads of shit.he turned out to be the man who despite his attitude, was very intelligent.so, he chose the study of genealogy.

My parents were high school sweethearts and one condom with a teeny hole popped in it later, I arrived.

Now before hand, my mom was disgusted that she had even had such a thing trapped inside of her body and was repulsed beyond any bounds.

But then, my dad had an idea.

Why should he abort the hold when she could use it?

And thus I was born with the intent of being the plaything of my parents studies.

I grew up in a single metal cage in a secret facility off the coast of Alaska.

My parents found a group of others who agreed to work and help them with creating me and this the Cretaceous project was founded.

My mom would find as many traces of DNA from fossilized remains and with help from my dad would inject it into me in hopes of recreating the dinosaurs.

They were a bunch of bit cases, FYI.

But sadly, to a certain extent, it worked.

I now possessed dangerous powers no human should be burdened with.

And that's when I snapped.

I managed to escape my family, but I knew they were going to find me one day.

And that's how I'm here, in another cage, in Stark Towers, and an terrified out of my wits.

I'm BellaDonna and this my twisted story of ow I fell in love with the big green veggie, The Incredible Bruce Banner.

Rawr Means I Love You In Dinosaur- Bruce Banner love storyWhere stories live. Discover now