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So in the previous chapter I mentioned my dad and stepmom fight a lot. Well I've began to have major anxiety when I even think they are upset. All these thoughts run through my head. "Are they gonna yell at Me? Did I do something? What did I do wrong this time?" There's so much more but I won't write them all. Continuing on. If I even think they are in a bad mood, hear them slam something or anything like that, I start freaking out and panicking and I sit there anxiously waiting and shaking and crying. I'm just hoping for the best. It sucks. I hide in my room in hopes that they won't yell at me and the moment they do I break. I've always been sensitive but now I am ten times worse than I was. I can't talk to anyone about it because I don't want them knowing. I don't want anyone to know what goes through my mind. Which sounds weird considering I'm sitting here writing an entire book thing about me and how I feel. Anyways that's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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