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I looked around the college as I walked into it's grounds.
“I still say this is a bad idea, Merrick.”
I ignored the voice and continued on.
“Merrick!” The voice growled for the attention I wasn’t gonna give it.
I got into the main building, and breathed in its crude smell.
“Merrick, I will not be ignored!”
I smiled weakly as I got up to the main office and stepped inside.
“Will you shut up?!” I finally snapped back, “I’m in public!”
“Away from me for…”
“Until Christmas Break. Now, shut UP, Zen-Aku!”
The voice of the spirit of the evil wolf mask I was once cursed with finally went silent.
And just in the nick of time too.
“Next.” The Dean’s Assistant called.
I looked around, noting that I was the only one there, then stood up and walked forward.
“May I help you with something?” He asked simply, then looked over the papers on his desk, “Mr………”
“I’m here to sign up for my dorm room for the semester.” I explained.
“Ah, yes, the new kid from Turtle Cove… Thats pretty far away.”
I shrugged before I sat in the office, “Figured it was time for me to get a change of scenery.” I relented.
“I see. Well, the Dean of students will be with you in a few moments, if you don’t mind waiting.”
“Take all the time you need.” I assured before he left.
With a sigh, I leaned back against my seat and closed my eyes.
New town, new state… New century.
New me.
Even if I was 3,000 years old, I was locked away……
And, I can’t let others know what I’m now doing.
Even the one I now love…
As I was thinking, the Dean stepped inside and I sat up straighter out of sheer habit.
“Ah… I see our new student had finally arrived.” He nodded as he say before me.
“Yes, sir.” I nodded, “I’m here and ready to learn.”
“Good spirit.” He commented, then held out a stack of papers I quickly took, “Normally, I’d show the new students around, but, it’s early enough in the school year, I’m sure someone will be willing to help.”
“Thank you, sir.” I nodded again before we stood up.
“I hope not to see you in here as often as I think I will.” He noted.
“Of course, sir.” I let out, “Nothing bad’ll happen with me.”
“Of course.” He nodded, “Now you better get going, Mr. Leary.”
I nodded a final time, “Have a good day, sir.”
With that, I walked out and into my new life.
Merrick Baliton was gone.
I was now, and forever, Doug Leary.

A Wild PastDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora