03 • gibberish

123 19 10

I am made of gibberish -
Gibberish cells.
Gibberish tissues.
Gibberish particles.
Gibberish ideas.
Gibberish tastes.
It began with me breathing in gibberish,
The way one drinks in reality -
Hesitantly, hesitantly,
Now I have been named gibberish names,
Clothed in gibberish drapes.
I speak a gibberish tongue,
Draw gibberish on my palms.
See, they say, to leave you gotta get lost.
So I got lost in gibberish the way one gets lost in reality -
Willingly, willingly,
Marooned in a world of symmetry,
Of rhyme and parabolas, of directions and rulers,
Gibberish became my raft to reach nowhere land -
Which does not exist but exists in its non-existence
The way gibberish exists in my existence,
(Seeping through all the pores of my being)
But somehow the world says is non-existent.

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