Chapter 1

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-Roger's P.O.V-
"This is ballocks." I say crossing to the other side of the road. The van had broken a tire down on the side of the road and John's trying his best to change it. "It's um, counterclockwise John. I think." Brian says walking past John to me and Freddie. "Thank you Brian. Would you like to do it? Please free to-" John says clearly annoyed. "No. No. No. You are doing a good job." Brian says cutting off John. "We sold out in every pub around uni and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere eating a ham sandwich." I say taking another bite. "Also, I have to call up Y/n and tell her I'll be home late." I say again. "Still not settled down in the new house?" Brian asks. "Almost done tho. Y/n's doing all the work and I just want to go home early to help her." I say. Me and Y/n had moved into a new house not far away from the rest of the boys.

"Trouble is we are not thinking big enough." Freddie says changing the subject. "What you got on mind Fred?" Brian asks. "An album." He says folding his newspaper away. "We can't afford an album." John says getting up and joining us. "We'll find a way. How much you think we can get for this van?" Freddie asks making the rest of them look towards me. Swallowing the piece of sandwich I had I look at them. "I hope you are joking." I say.

They certainly was not joking

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They certainly was not joking. "That's three months wages." A guy with long hair and a weird leather jacket says taking Freddie's money. "And a perfectly good van." I say. "Don't be dramatic darling. You are recording an album tonight. Let's go." Freddie says.

"Roger?"I hear a familiar voice call my name behind me. "Y/n! I'm so sorry I didn't call you up earlier." I say hugging her. Mary made her way towards the recording room with Freddie. "How did you know we were here?" I ask. "Mary told me about it. Freddie had called her." She says. "Oh." I say.

She had her head on my shoulder as Freddie recorded his vocals in the small room behind the glass. "We should experiment." Brian says. "Try bouncing from left to right with the aah-aah." Freddie says. Brian joining in with another option. "BLAST IT!!" I scream jumping off with my one arm rising high. "Oh. I'm sorry, love." I say once realising I had given Y/n a bit of a fright with the jump.

After about some weeks we got a call to meet up for a record label. "You look like an angry lizard." Brian says as Freddie showed up at the small table we sat around waiting. "I have to make an impression darling." He says making me laugh. "Very shuttle and fly away." Brian says. "Can I burrow it for Sunday church?" John asks but with someone else joining our table we stop with our little jokes. "So this is Queen. You must be Freddie Mercury. You got a gift. You all have. So tell me, what makes Queen any different than any other wanna be rock stars?" Reid, who I believe was the name he had said earlier asks us. "I'll tell you what it is. We are four misfits who don't belong together playing to the other misfits. The outcasts. Right at the back of the room who pretty sure they don't belong either. We belong to them." Freddie says. "We are family." Brian says adding. "But not two of them are the same." I say adding up as well. "Paul Prenter, meet Queen. Our new signing. Paul will be looking after you day to day. If I can get you on the radio, maybe on the television." He says. "Top of the Pops?" I ask excited. Reid went on telling more of what we can do.

-Y/n's P.O.V-
"Y/n, this is going to be exciting and so good for the band." Roger say as I sat up breakfast. "That's great love. So you will be recording a music video today?" I asks sitting across from him. "Yes. You have to be there. It's going to be fun." He suggests. "Sounds okay." I say. "You okay? I heard you getting sick in the bathroom earlier." He asks. 'Yeah. I'm okay." I say.

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"This is shit

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"This is shit. We do know how to play our instruments." Roger says hitting the drum set at the mini stage set up. I stand right next to it staring at the faces Roger was making. "You want me to lip sync?" I hear Freddie say standing in front of a man. "I don't understand why we can't perform live. We'll know the bloody difference." Brian says standing at the edge of the stage. The other two boys following as well. "It's all ballocks with the things here." Roger says. "This is the BBC." Brian says mocking the man earlier. With the loud noises of many people talking I begin to feel uneasy. "Love, you alright? You look sick." Roger asks pulling me aside. "I'm fine." I say. Before he could ask anything else the director calls him up for the shooting.

"Y/n are you feeling alright?" Mary asks she looked at me. I shake my head before walking away to find the bathroom. "It's to the right." I hear Mary say as she followed behind me. Throwing up all my breakfast I stand in front of the mirror outside the stall. "I don't know what I ate." I say feeling all drained up. "Are you sure it's the food?" Mary asks making me freeze. "Um, I think so." I say unsure. "Y/n!!" Roger's voice echoed through the bathroom as he stood with the door wide open and looking worried. "What happened?" He asks. "I just felt sick. I'm okay." I say as he kept his hands on my cheeks. "Do you want to go to the doctors?" He asks. "NO!" I say. He looked at me a bit shocked with the sudden outburst of my answer. "I mean, no. I'll be fine." I say.

"You got everything packed up?" I ask lifting my head up from the pillow. "Yeah. You feeling okay?" He asks turning around on the bed as he hear my voice. "Um, yeah." I say. "You gave me a little fright this morning, love." He says reaching over to feel my forehead. "You don't have a fever." He says a little bit confused. "What happened?" I ask. "You rushed out of bed waking me up and I heard you getting sick. I reached up on time just to catch you before you hit the floor." He says. "Oh." I say starting to remember little parts of the event. "I'll go get breakfast." He says getting up.

"Are you okay?" I ask as he sat quietly at the table. "I don't want to leave when you are sick." He says with a sad tone. "The tour is only for a few months. I might be fine tomorrow even." I say pushing back the other thought in my head trying not to let him feel down more. "Who's that at the door?" He asks as we hear knocks. "Uh, I think that's Mary." I say. Roger greeted Mary at the door before she appeared in the kitchen where I was putting away the dishes. "Hello Mary." I say. "Freddie is down stairs. He wants to say good bye to you." Mary says.

"Mary please look after her when I'm gone. Update me alright? I'll miss you. Love you. I'll be back soon." Roger says giving me a big hug.

"It's negative." I say holding up a pregnancy test Mary had brought. "It's just the flu. Don't worry." I say relaxing myself. "But are you sure tho?" She asks making me frown. "Fine. I'll go to the doctors." I say.

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