Over The Mountain

Start from the beginning


--Giving Out--

I'm being unfaithful to my words I place in my mind,

Words are juggling together that aren't making sense,

Maybe its my deyslexia kicking in and that's the blame,

We fight,

We laugh,

A love that has heaps of bolt holes,

The days drags out like a sentence with a full stop and then back spacing it with a question mark; how can we go on like this?


-Tight Boxes--

So close together under a roof but so distance from help,

They wonder why I am the way I am,

There is so many things you can  take before you break,

Seeing others and realizing that the way my family aren't like that,

A mother as best friend,

A sister being supportive,

A dad who listens,

I'm stuck in a box and the only way to get out is through them and I'm sorry I drag you down with me.


-Childhood Heart--

You never neglected me,

You just had to work,

So we could have all that stuff that most people didn't have,

I'm thankful for your hard work but as a little girl all I wanted was you there,

I didn't care what everyone thought of us,

When I grow up a little older,

You and Father fought,

I never let my guide down and that lead to my depression,

I had no friends to show off what you worked so hard for,

At the end we sold everything and you still left,

A broken childhood heart.

—-Fighting A War—
Do you still feel like your in a battle?
Still putting your armour up,
The old bitterness comes out and you feel numb,
You swear that you'll never to be like that but then everything goes against it,
It's like the more you get,
The more the steal from you and you don't have a say in it,
Take it day by day,
A knock to the head to a deathless sleep.

—Ice Cream—
Life is like ice cream;
You  don't do anything with it,  it'll melt away.
If you take to much of it, it'll impact your health.

—Still Searching—

My life is complete,

I found a lover,

That I fight with and laugh with,

My days is a sentence with a full stop,

Backspacing it to a question mark,

What am I missing still?


--Wicked That Is Me--

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