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I wonder if I'll be good enough?
My anxiety is through the roof,
Not that I am not in the moment with you ,
I'm just thinking; What if you hate me?
They always say they've tried there best,
Somehow you could do better,
It comes back around,
The fear of losing them,
Heart Attack Material.
Doors will open,
Enjoy the experience and get to know others,
When the door closes,
Don't feel sad,
It's not your fault it's closing,
Doors closes for other doors to be opened.
You are growing and learning each day.
When the door is closed.
Think about the happy times and cherish it but never dwell on it.
If a door hasn't opened yet you're on the path to opening one,
Remember to be brave and kind but never gullible.
—Little Wise Human—-
When I was younger,
I had no control of my life,
A door mat with no boundaries,
Now that I am older,
The wiser don't talk much,
Spoiler alert,
My younger self must of been.
— It's A Tough One To Title—
They treat you differently like you aren't available anymore,
Aren't we supposed to have humour?
Bundle of joy that you can't express it because the others won't understand,
When did friendships become so hard when being a dad?
—Old Souls Trapped—
Roads are trembling and cracking,
Trying to mend it together,
Do you remember being so little?
Minds of a little embodiment;
There voices are everything,
It changes when youth deteriorates,
Silence of the wise,
How humanity can be.
—Glorious Life—

What if we did mistakes and we didn't blame anyone?
Practice self love,
Talk to ourselves in the mirror,
I'm still smiling although Im tired, can we say it's beautiful?
Heck yes!
I got flaws but they are glorious,
Life is glorious.
— Weak Words —

This world is filled with beauty but so much bad is in it that makes us so sour.
It's rare to find kindness in people without expecting something in return or think they have a motive.
Kindness always gets taken advantage of because it's taken as for a weakness.

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